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Circulaire actuelle Tepperman's - Valable à partir du 30.09 au 06.10 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Tepperman's 30.09.2022 - 06.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

own : FRIGIDAIRE Mattresses Starting From $128 _) BONUS BONUS FREE DELIVERY FULL SELECTION AT TEPPERMANS.COM On 2-Piece Frigidaire FREE DELIVERY Stainless Steel or Black COMOMSE TIGRE) on a2-Piece Amana fidge and Stainless QUEEN MATTRESS range pair INABOX crée er) Ter ._ bi is Cm :° = Tin Mots us nm FEATURES 15° SOY BIO HIGHDENSITY FOAM Fu Matress 248 AND ULTRA SOFT HIGH GRADE VISCO FOAM King Matiress 5708 Se Æ p_ JULIET EURO TOP Grravsran} D MATTRESS $598 +996 -5796 -"$546 * s1149 BA $999 ui Mattrss 6548 NaTTe. AMCUFSOON DUR SAMESTO® … UFCEANRANCE Rates 29e Res a Eos) FAR on FEATURES 3" HIGH FOAM ENCASEMENT WITH King Mattress $308 Ga shetee Sans Set Aso nain Sins Snel3399 B10 GEL FOAM AND COMFORT LEVELS Osssananx Sans Set 904 À ENERGY EURO TOP L sr Sos ee Tin Mattess 6508 “Thin XL Mattross $648 Ful Mattress 5648 — FEATURES 3/4" SUPER SOFT BIO FOAM WITH GEL. King Mattress 5908 PLUS" HD FOAM/T SERENE MEMORYFOAM © w mottat FROIDAIRE épi nan BEDDING BUNDLE 798 5577 $479 Sally 4 Everything you need to out your mattress duvet. shoot set waterproot | EF so ace aorn 7oGurT Gus nee y FRÉRERROCE RANCE DSHWASHER FRÉEZER FR $T18 Se ae queneue [7 Eau sos = = Ress BONUS 2e L Outlet Special Buys! ONE YEAR Lu es Quant = SUPPLY OF SWASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT : With purchase of any Amana restée mucues ei és Enr $1177 s198 S&TI S588 S788, En OM" 2 15e TR DOUTER SMENMENNS Cr escurreiecme FD que RERO RE tRocE VASHER TRS 0 DRVER Se MON: TO FRI:10AM-9PM WINDSOR 2595 OUELLETTE AVE. (519) 969-9700 OR TOLL FREE 1-800-265-5062 : CHATHAM 535 GRAND AVE E. (519) 351-6034 : SARNIA 1249 LONDON RD. (519) 541-0100 SAT:10AM-6PM: SUN:TIAM-5PM | LONDONTIS0 WHARNCLIFFE RD. S|(s1s) 433-5353 OR TOLL FREE -800-265-7387« KITCHENER MS HURON RD. (519) 279-7810» ANCASTERS LEGEND COURT. (285) 239-4100 Outlet AT TEPPERMAN'S

Derniéres circulaires

own : FRIGIDAIRE Mattresses Starting From $128 _) BONUS BONUS FREE DELIVERY FULL SELECTION AT TEPPERMANS.COM On 2-Piece Frigidaire FREE DELIVERY Stainless Steel or Black COMOMSE TIGRE) on a2-Piece Amana fidge and Stainless QUEEN MATTRESS range pair INABOX crée er) Ter ._ bi is Cm :° = Tin Mots us nm FEATURES 15° SOY BIO HIGHDENSITY FOAM Fu Matress 248 AND ULTRA SOFT HIGH GRADE VISCO FOAM King Matiress 5708 Se Æ p_ JULIET EURO TOP Grravsran} D MATTRESS $598 +996 -5796 -"$546 * s1149 BA $999 ui Mattrss 6548 NaTTe. AMCUFSOON DUR SAMESTO® … UFCEANRANCE Rates 29e Res a Eos) FAR on FEATURES 3" HIGH FOAM ENCASEMENT WITH King Mattress $308 Ga shetee Sans Set Aso nain Sins Snel3399 B10 GEL FOAM AND COMFORT LEVELS Osssananx Sans Set 904 À ENERGY EURO TOP L sr Sos ee Tin Mattess 6508 “Thin XL Mattross $648 Ful Mattress 5648 — FEATURES 3/4" SUPER SOFT BIO FOAM WITH GEL. King Mattress 5908 PLUS" HD FOAM/T SERENE MEMORYFOAM © w mottat FROIDAIRE épi nan BEDDING BUNDLE 798 5577 $479 Sally 4 Everything you need to out your mattress duvet. shoot set waterproot | EF so ace aorn 7oGurT Gus nee y FRÉRERROCE RANCE DSHWASHER FRÉEZER FR $T18 Se ae queneue [7 Eau sos = = Ress BONUS 2e L Outlet Special Buys! ONE YEAR Lu es Quant = SUPPLY OF SWASH LAUNDRY DETERGENT : With purchase of any Amana restée mucues ei és Enr $1177 s198 S&TI S588 S788, En OM" 2 15e TR DOUTER SMENMENNS Cr escurreiecme FD que RERO RE tRocE VASHER TRS 0 DRVER Se MON: TO FRI:10AM-9PM WINDSOR 2595 OUELLETTE AVE. (519) 969-9700 OR TOLL FREE 1-800-265-5062 : CHATHAM 535 GRAND AVE E. (519) 351-6034 : SARNIA 1249 LONDON RD. (519) 541-0100 SAT:10AM-6PM: SUN:TIAM-5PM | LONDONTIS0 WHARNCLIFFE RD. S|(s1s) 433-5353 OR TOLL FREE -800-265-7387« KITCHENER MS HURON RD. (519) 279-7810» ANCASTERS LEGEND COURT. (285) 239-4100 Outlet AT TEPPERMAN'S

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