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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 09.03 au 15.03 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Sobeys 09.03.2023 - 15.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Lemons product of Spain or Morocco Fish n' Chips recipe with Fresh Wild ‘ icelandic Cod Fillets COS ENT A) COMPLIMENTS Tartar Sauce 250 mL Pub style 18 (500 g) Compfments Noturoily Simple Frozen Wild Hoddock Filets, thewed and pot dry % tsp (4 mL) soit 1/3 cup (75 mL) oll-purpose flour 4 tbsp (60 mL) Complments Moyonnaise 1 eup (250 mL) panko breaderumibs Cooking où spray Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 10 min Totol time: 20 min Serves 2-4 Proheat air fryer to 360 F. Sprinkde fish with salt: drodige in four. shoking off excess. Spreod mayonnaise on both sides of the fish, then press into panko, shaking off excess. Sproy both sides with cooking où. Cook in air fryer for 6 minutes lp and cook at 400°F until ght brown, 3 to 4 minutes. If a 4°? ‘Terilla chips: Brusd 5 smof flour or com tortilos with! nd net ee don on: Cook in batches urtil brown and crispy, 5-7 minutes. COMPLIMENTS Large Tortillas 610g Yams 4.14/kg Royal Gala Apples fancy grade 549/kg Pototo chips: Cut scrubbed russet potato Using a mandoline to 1/8-inch thick sices Apple chips: Using a mandoline, thinky SNS Gr ER nn ou no om Le no Ar enr coà SPA PRF ST berne drame , 'batches brown, about 13 min. overiopping s£ghtly. Een nn ee _of soit and cook in a 350°F preheated (Tip: Use a mandoëne for even siices. Fos au ts ut ARR. Na Mere TO Tip: l'used tokwout chopsticks over chips to prevent Tip Pot potatoes dry for crispy chips. chips from fiying and folding in air fryer.

Derniéres circulaires

Lemons product of Spain or Morocco Fish n' Chips recipe with Fresh Wild ‘ icelandic Cod Fillets COS ENT A) COMPLIMENTS Tartar Sauce 250 mL Pub style 18 (500 g) Compfments Noturoily Simple Frozen Wild Hoddock Filets, thewed and pot dry % tsp (4 mL) soit 1/3 cup (75 mL) oll-purpose flour 4 tbsp (60 mL) Complments Moyonnaise 1 eup (250 mL) panko breaderumibs Cooking où spray Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 10 min Totol time: 20 min Serves 2-4 Proheat air fryer to 360 F. Sprinkde fish with salt: drodige in four. shoking off excess. Spreod mayonnaise on both sides of the fish, then press into panko, shaking off excess. Sproy both sides with cooking où. Cook in air fryer for 6 minutes lp and cook at 400°F until ght brown, 3 to 4 minutes. If a 4°? ‘Terilla chips: Brusd 5 smof flour or com tortilos with! nd net ee don on: Cook in batches urtil brown and crispy, 5-7 minutes. COMPLIMENTS Large Tortillas 610g Yams 4.14/kg Royal Gala Apples fancy grade 549/kg Pototo chips: Cut scrubbed russet potato Using a mandoline to 1/8-inch thick sices Apple chips: Using a mandoline, thinky SNS Gr ER nn ou no om Le no Ar enr coà SPA PRF ST berne drame , 'batches brown, about 13 min. overiopping s£ghtly. Een nn ee _of soit and cook in a 350°F preheated (Tip: Use a mandoëne for even siices. Fos au ts ut ARR. Na Mere TO Tip: l'used tokwout chopsticks over chips to prevent Tip Pot potatoes dry for crispy chips. chips from fiying and folding in air fryer.

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