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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 01.06 au 07.06 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Sobeys 01.06.2023 - 07.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

COMPLIMENTS Fresh C > Chicken s al when you buy 2 THE LITTLE POTATO COMPANY product of USA 3bor1.36kg 6“ US CPE TNT A) PANACHE Pink Salmon Teriyaki Skewers 4 pk 480 g or Bacon Wrapped Scallops 250 g DIANA Sauces 500 mL or Marinades 375 mL or BULL'S-EYE BBQ Sauce 425 mL KRAFT Singles 8: or PHILADELP NATREL Fine Filtered Mük 2 L SEALTEST Chocolate Milk 2 L or NEST = | 37? _ TROPICANA Orange Juice selected 1.54 L End ES sa DEMPSTER'S White or 100% Whole Wheat Bread 675 g Hot Dog or ’ er Buns ET 0 More 8 pk 3.99 ea ca TIDE Laundry 272 L, Pods 25-42 pk, GAIN Laundry 4.55 L Flings 42 pk DOWNY Softener 24-383 L, GAIN DOWNY Beads 570 g, DOWNY Rinse & Refresh 143L LAY'S Potato Chips 220 UT when you buy 2 24° And, Sobeys will match your donation” “2 gives an athlete\with'intellectual N ilable i ; ow available in store! Beer and cider available at selected stores. *pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit BUD Light 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 15,95 LANDSHARK Lager 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 15.95 Scen0+ uember Day o& PROUDLY CANADIAN DD EE Snacks 180-225 g PAMPERS Super Pack Diapers 42-120 pk h AIR-CHILLEC kinie MAPLE LEAF Prime Breaded Chicken Wings, Strips, Nuggets, Burgers or Stuffed Chicken Cutlets 560-695 g BALDERSON National Donut Day nd BALDERSON Cheddar or June 2° Spread 126-280 g 499 Glazed Ring Donut 6 pk DR. OETKER Giuseppe Rising Crust or Thin Crust Pizza, The Good Baker or Giuseppe Easy Pizzi 300-785 g KRAFT Dinner 156-225 g or Cups 58 4/$5 LECLERC Celebration Cookies 240-350 g or CHRISTIE Peek Freans 275-350 £ MAXWELL HOUSE Roast & Ground Coffee 631-925 g, FOLGERS 1850 Roast & Ground 340 g or 8°? COTE A) NATURE VALLEY Granola Bars Value Pack and selected varieties 637g-128 kg GATORADE Team Pack 24x591 mL CASHMERE Bath Tissue double 12=24 rolis or triple 8=24 rolls, SCOTTIES F SPONGE TON A-Size 6 pk or Uttra Pro Dbi 326 rolis obilities one day:of activities (Eee Port Colborne, ON -. Pairs well with grilled red meats. : JAMES READY a 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 12.90 Wen minimum 878 grocery purchase ana Scene + Card Marimum purchase mat be Mode in 9 ingle POnsoctOn See n-stae 10 Get

Derniéres circulaires

COMPLIMENTS Fresh C > Chicken s al when you buy 2 THE LITTLE POTATO COMPANY product of USA 3bor1.36kg 6“ US CPE TNT A) PANACHE Pink Salmon Teriyaki Skewers 4 pk 480 g or Bacon Wrapped Scallops 250 g DIANA Sauces 500 mL or Marinades 375 mL or BULL'S-EYE BBQ Sauce 425 mL KRAFT Singles 8: or PHILADELP NATREL Fine Filtered Mük 2 L SEALTEST Chocolate Milk 2 L or NEST = | 37? _ TROPICANA Orange Juice selected 1.54 L End ES sa DEMPSTER'S White or 100% Whole Wheat Bread 675 g Hot Dog or ’ er Buns ET 0 More 8 pk 3.99 ea ca TIDE Laundry 272 L, Pods 25-42 pk, GAIN Laundry 4.55 L Flings 42 pk DOWNY Softener 24-383 L, GAIN DOWNY Beads 570 g, DOWNY Rinse & Refresh 143L LAY'S Potato Chips 220 UT when you buy 2 24° And, Sobeys will match your donation” “2 gives an athlete\with'intellectual N ilable i ; ow available in store! Beer and cider available at selected stores. *pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit BUD Light 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 15,95 LANDSHARK Lager 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 15.95 Scen0+ uember Day o& PROUDLY CANADIAN DD EE Snacks 180-225 g PAMPERS Super Pack Diapers 42-120 pk h AIR-CHILLEC kinie MAPLE LEAF Prime Breaded Chicken Wings, Strips, Nuggets, Burgers or Stuffed Chicken Cutlets 560-695 g BALDERSON National Donut Day nd BALDERSON Cheddar or June 2° Spread 126-280 g 499 Glazed Ring Donut 6 pk DR. OETKER Giuseppe Rising Crust or Thin Crust Pizza, The Good Baker or Giuseppe Easy Pizzi 300-785 g KRAFT Dinner 156-225 g or Cups 58 4/$5 LECLERC Celebration Cookies 240-350 g or CHRISTIE Peek Freans 275-350 £ MAXWELL HOUSE Roast & Ground Coffee 631-925 g, FOLGERS 1850 Roast & Ground 340 g or 8°? COTE A) NATURE VALLEY Granola Bars Value Pack and selected varieties 637g-128 kg GATORADE Team Pack 24x591 mL CASHMERE Bath Tissue double 12=24 rolis or triple 8=24 rolls, SCOTTIES F SPONGE TON A-Size 6 pk or Uttra Pro Dbi 326 rolis obilities one day:of activities (Eee Port Colborne, ON -. Pairs well with grilled red meats. : JAMES READY a 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 12.90 Wen minimum 878 grocery purchase ana Scene + Card Marimum purchase mat be Mode in 9 ingle POnsoctOn See n-stae 10 Get

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