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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 30.05 au 05.06 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Sobeys 30.05.2024 - 05.06.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

57° COMPLIMENTS Caesar Salad Kit se ,* product of USA product of USA 8 Gt Meuco 54 & COMPLIMENTS Lemons product & COMPLIMENTS Baby of South Africa or En ù Spinach or Spring Mix COS USA 2 lb bag 907 g product of USA 312 $ r = COMPLIMENTS Baby-Cut Carrots product of USA no 1 grade 340 g % 1°°-20xe COMPLIMENTS Oranges product of USA 31b 1.36 kg k MOONLIGHT FRUIT À California Company Growing the Best in Class of Stone Fruit. Where do you find the best fruit? #5 found where art mets science: = where technology meets good Z old-fashioned hard work All of this alongside the rich banks of the Kings River. > Responsibly safe. fi Consistentiy great. Bulk Bartiett Pears product of 9 Strawberries 9 Argentina extra 2/$ Green Onions 9 Tomatoes product 454 g product of fancy grade product of of Western Canada USA or Mexico 659/%@ Mexico no 1 grade 4.39/Kg jai Gala Apples Bulk Vidalia A9 Ms 5/$E poperasson 49 Orors Pot 29 Sweet Pottoes Zealand extra fancy Fruit product of Georgia product of USA < " grade 549/ of Colombia " 549/kg 505 | à REA e Ts PTS A EM D: Assorted | ZESPRI Sungold, Snacking Chinese Eggplant 99Y Soid Kiwi product 49 causes 49 ras 49 soc of of New Zealand product of Costa | product of Dominican 4548 Ricano 1 grace | | Canada 255 = Republic 549/g PAT N . \ + ; ° Sweet, tangy and delicious. 9? Yellow or White Flesh b Fresh Dai pre Er Ca nee USA »] EL nes a re no grade - Grilers Fonedes Prenpie F : éccred 15% ‘or Witermelon 25% 00e 5 99 HANDFUEL Nuts “oem timer che Si2eS off Chunks assorted s2es off selected vañeties selected 120-150 g 2 a re Groun in — ee [British Columbia Columbia rY Rose Lily 9 Bouquet 99 serum 9 Reïger Begonia assorted Foxy Ceramic with 2" Fern or oRt. assorted )” colours Spring Bird ceramic with fern 6-stem bunch colours 6 Apricots product ro; = of USA no 1 grade Re ne a Eee ur Gift t Card s canbe any amount. 1 ER M PS

Derniéres circulaires

57° COMPLIMENTS Caesar Salad Kit se ,* product of USA product of USA 8 Gt Meuco 54 & COMPLIMENTS Lemons product & COMPLIMENTS Baby of South Africa or En ù Spinach or Spring Mix COS USA 2 lb bag 907 g product of USA 312 $ r = COMPLIMENTS Baby-Cut Carrots product of USA no 1 grade 340 g % 1°°-20xe COMPLIMENTS Oranges product of USA 31b 1.36 kg k MOONLIGHT FRUIT À California Company Growing the Best in Class of Stone Fruit. Where do you find the best fruit? #5 found where art mets science: = where technology meets good Z old-fashioned hard work All of this alongside the rich banks of the Kings River. > Responsibly safe. fi Consistentiy great. Bulk Bartiett Pears product of 9 Strawberries 9 Argentina extra 2/$ Green Onions 9 Tomatoes product 454 g product of fancy grade product of of Western Canada USA or Mexico 659/%@ Mexico no 1 grade 4.39/Kg jai Gala Apples Bulk Vidalia A9 Ms 5/$E poperasson 49 Orors Pot 29 Sweet Pottoes Zealand extra fancy Fruit product of Georgia product of USA < " grade 549/ of Colombia " 549/kg 505 | à REA e Ts PTS A EM D: Assorted | ZESPRI Sungold, Snacking Chinese Eggplant 99Y Soid Kiwi product 49 causes 49 ras 49 soc of of New Zealand product of Costa | product of Dominican 4548 Ricano 1 grace | | Canada 255 = Republic 549/g PAT N . \ + ; ° Sweet, tangy and delicious. 9? Yellow or White Flesh b Fresh Dai pre Er Ca nee USA »] EL nes a re no grade - Grilers Fonedes Prenpie F : éccred 15% ‘or Witermelon 25% 00e 5 99 HANDFUEL Nuts “oem timer che Si2eS off Chunks assorted s2es off selected vañeties selected 120-150 g 2 a re Groun in — ee [British Columbia Columbia rY Rose Lily 9 Bouquet 99 serum 9 Reïger Begonia assorted Foxy Ceramic with 2" Fern or oRt. assorted )” colours Spring Bird ceramic with fern 6-stem bunch colours 6 Apricots product ro; = of USA no 1 grade Re ne a Eee ur Gift t Card s canbe any amount. 1 ER M PS

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