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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Fête du Canada - Valable à partir du 29.06 au 05.07 - Page n° 20

Circulaire Sobeys 29.06.2023 - 05.07.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

drinks & ur .: CT when you buy 3 DARE Breton Bites 200 g Veggie > KELLOGGS L Crisps 100 g or "99 Cheez-ft Crackers @ * Bold'N Baked NESTLÉ Chocolate 7 2 191-200g 2 s yen Crackers 150 g Bars 90-120 g dim ESS 3490 * FL 349ea DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g or 2/ 5 OLD DUTCH ‘Oo PEPSI Soft _ Breton Gluten Potato Chips 7 . Drinksèl ? Free 120-135 g 2352 9 » without LINOT Bagged gene Chocolate 150-151g Cr KELLOGG'S Drinks 250 mi. Pop-Tarts gYEE 2/8 50 oem | 1599 552 Crisp 170-285 g 400-454 ÿ meal makers SALSA | # > Le € when you buy 3 OLD EL PASO Taco Si BETTY CROCKER 9 MINUTE RICE Supermoist Cake Mix 12-14 kg or TLDA 432-4618 Basmati Rice 907 g TT when you buy 3 Ha Leu when you buy 2 without COMPLIMENTS BEN'S Original 49 Scenes BONNE MAMAN BETTY CROCKER Jasmine or 14 Mae 549 nt Le Fes 12°? année 16kg Sugar 290 mL whipped 34 7 99 OROWEAT kKeto Bread 570 g À 99 COMPLIMENTS Peanut Butter 1 kg nn PP me ST: G ; > © « : + Ver 4 D ag à : È » | ’ AT prs +) :.100 Lu 80r when you buy 3 S Lu 1) 4) MPLIMENTS Fruit Drink | c OMPLIMENTS OMPLIMENTS (9, Roast & Ground OMPLIMENTS Soda Cracher nc Coffee 3 « BEST & | 12 ato Chips or at Fiavour ES 299-219 en TI * when youbuy 2 AT) DES P 2) SD“ red 10/S D comes Z49 comme, 749 nes. Excon Bits HT 7 ER STORIES, TIPS & TRIC and more, all at

Derniéres circulaires

drinks & ur .: CT when you buy 3 DARE Breton Bites 200 g Veggie > KELLOGGS L Crisps 100 g or "99 Cheez-ft Crackers @ * Bold'N Baked NESTLÉ Chocolate 7 2 191-200g 2 s yen Crackers 150 g Bars 90-120 g dim ESS 3490 * FL 349ea DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g or 2/ 5 OLD DUTCH ‘Oo PEPSI Soft _ Breton Gluten Potato Chips 7 . Drinksèl ? Free 120-135 g 2352 9 » without LINOT Bagged gene Chocolate 150-151g Cr KELLOGG'S Drinks 250 mi. Pop-Tarts gYEE 2/8 50 oem | 1599 552 Crisp 170-285 g 400-454 ÿ meal makers SALSA | # > Le € when you buy 3 OLD EL PASO Taco Si BETTY CROCKER 9 MINUTE RICE Supermoist Cake Mix 12-14 kg or TLDA 432-4618 Basmati Rice 907 g TT when you buy 3 Ha Leu when you buy 2 without COMPLIMENTS BEN'S Original 49 Scenes BONNE MAMAN BETTY CROCKER Jasmine or 14 Mae 549 nt Le Fes 12°? année 16kg Sugar 290 mL whipped 34 7 99 OROWEAT kKeto Bread 570 g À 99 COMPLIMENTS Peanut Butter 1 kg nn PP me ST: G ; > © « : + Ver 4 D ag à : È » | ’ AT prs +) :.100 Lu 80r when you buy 3 S Lu 1) 4) MPLIMENTS Fruit Drink | c OMPLIMENTS OMPLIMENTS (9, Roast & Ground OMPLIMENTS Soda Cracher nc Coffee 3 « BEST & | 12 ato Chips or at Fiavour ES 299-219 en TI * when youbuy 2 AT) DES P 2) SD“ red 10/S D comes Z49 comme, 749 nes. Excon Bits HT 7 ER STORIES, TIPS & TRIC and more, all at

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