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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Pâques - Valable à partir du 30.03 au 05.04 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Sobeys 30.03.2023 - 05.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

CRT LA ZONE_7383 ONT See pages 2-3 for more offers Scene: 92° without Scenes D, Card STERLING SILVER Fresh Boneless Striploin Grilling Steaks or Premium Oven Roast m C beef while quant ginout _BUTTERBALL Turkey 228 Er : / available as fran 1 PANACHE Hickory of April 2nd Smoked Spiral Sliced Honey Glazed Ham 7.69/kg Fresh Pork Shoulder MA Biade Roasts or Family MP, Sixed Steak 6 59/kç > A APPLE VALLEY Apple or Pumpkin Pie 450-550 g FOLGERS Ground Coffee 544- Cup CLUB HOUSE Gravies, Sauces or Salads'n Dips 21478 CHRISTIE Cookies * 224-303 g =. en NE = Cars COMPLIMENTS Cheese 4 Shreds 226-320 g selected v Discover what's new in store! 125 The Queensway ee o FRI TUE |WEeD SHOP EARLY & GET À HEAD START PROUDLY CANADIAN 01311112131415 CTI CL ER

Derniéres circulaires

CRT LA ZONE_7383 ONT See pages 2-3 for more offers Scene: 92° without Scenes D, Card STERLING SILVER Fresh Boneless Striploin Grilling Steaks or Premium Oven Roast m C beef while quant ginout _BUTTERBALL Turkey 228 Er : / available as fran 1 PANACHE Hickory of April 2nd Smoked Spiral Sliced Honey Glazed Ham 7.69/kg Fresh Pork Shoulder MA Biade Roasts or Family MP, Sixed Steak 6 59/kç > A APPLE VALLEY Apple or Pumpkin Pie 450-550 g FOLGERS Ground Coffee 544- Cup CLUB HOUSE Gravies, Sauces or Salads'n Dips 21478 CHRISTIE Cookies * 224-303 g =. en NE = Cars COMPLIMENTS Cheese 4 Shreds 226-320 g selected v Discover what's new in store! 125 The Queensway ee o FRI TUE |WEeD SHOP EARLY & GET À HEAD START PROUDLY CANADIAN 01311112131415 CTI CL ER

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