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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Saint Valentin - Valable à partir du 02.02 au 08.02 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Sobeys 02.02.2023 - 08.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

CHEER- 188 Red Onions ENS LE. | Se Fomatoes product Big wins:in every bite! Bar sat WORTHY 4°°° D) LE Green Onions product of Mexico Broccoli Crowns product of USA 659/x8 Large Pomegranates product of Egypt or Turkey 99 Iceberg Lettuce product of USA no | grade 99 Re uitie es à 3 Gratis Seafood Appetizers, Meatballs, Egg Raspberries product UrHe, mod Frey 3 Rolls or Spring Rolls 200-691 à PRODUCT OF ONTARIO "USA or Mexico je Sarre al 599 ea Vans 3936 no 1 grade 170 8 % pr € < d } Lol S when you buy 2 Prepared #. Prepared Daily PRODUCT OF Fresh Daily Mixed Melon, ONTARIO Mixed or Tropical Watermelon, 9 Bulk Navel Oranges A9 SorPumenTs Fruit Salads Honeydew or product of Mini Potatoes off assortedsires Cantaloupe Chunks USA439/g 6808 PRODUCT OF CANADA Bi-Colour Seediess Grapes Hiros Cherry Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes or Variety product of Peru no 1 grade 907 g Snacking Tomatoes product of Mexico 680 g Large Avocado Red Mango Case Case product product of Peru of Mexico el 2kg case See Check for this symbol in store! (ÿ when you buy 2 DO) enr | 499 ALL RS IENR ES Cucumbers Canada no 1 grade Peru or Mexico no 1 grade 170 g Onions 3 Ib product of USA! Mix and Match Premium Spring Cut choose from 129 Te 199 =... 3/91 in ceramic 5° sizes available by store ETS flower bunches

Derniéres circulaires

CHEER- 188 Red Onions ENS LE. | Se Fomatoes product Big wins:in every bite! Bar sat WORTHY 4°°° D) LE Green Onions product of Mexico Broccoli Crowns product of USA 659/x8 Large Pomegranates product of Egypt or Turkey 99 Iceberg Lettuce product of USA no | grade 99 Re uitie es à 3 Gratis Seafood Appetizers, Meatballs, Egg Raspberries product UrHe, mod Frey 3 Rolls or Spring Rolls 200-691 à PRODUCT OF ONTARIO "USA or Mexico je Sarre al 599 ea Vans 3936 no 1 grade 170 8 % pr € < d } Lol S when you buy 2 Prepared #. Prepared Daily PRODUCT OF Fresh Daily Mixed Melon, ONTARIO Mixed or Tropical Watermelon, 9 Bulk Navel Oranges A9 SorPumenTs Fruit Salads Honeydew or product of Mini Potatoes off assortedsires Cantaloupe Chunks USA439/g 6808 PRODUCT OF CANADA Bi-Colour Seediess Grapes Hiros Cherry Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes or Variety product of Peru no 1 grade 907 g Snacking Tomatoes product of Mexico 680 g Large Avocado Red Mango Case Case product product of Peru of Mexico el 2kg case See Check for this symbol in store! (ÿ when you buy 2 DO) enr | 499 ALL RS IENR ES Cucumbers Canada no 1 grade Peru or Mexico no 1 grade 170 g Onions 3 Ib product of USA! Mix and Match Premium Spring Cut choose from 129 Te 199 =... 3/91 in ceramic 5° sizes available by store ETS flower bunches

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