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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 22.02 au 28.02 - Page n° 20

Circulaire Sobeys 22.02.2024 - 28.02.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

pet care PE mon a mm 31 A PRESSNSEAL NT QE DOTE El Leo CHARMIN Bathroom CHARMIN CPE E) Tissue 8=24 rolls, Bathroom Tissue GLAD Waste Bags 99 BOUNTY Paper 99 12=48 rolis or 9 GLAD Cling Wrap 99 20-40 pk or Small Towels 4=6 or Select BOUNTY Paper 152 m or Press 'N Seal Compostable Bags 43m à Size 2=5 rolls Towel 4-6 pk 44 pk NOTE UT QE CDN TTL 2 ssperiood Don guperiood x {ele COCHE TE AI LS FR (È 9 ENERGIZER Max 79 cour COMPLIMENTS 99 9 HEALTHY PUP ARA 4 pk or AA 8 pk Chicken or Beef Dog BLUE Dry Cat Superfood Dog ed Treats 13 Food 2.2 kg Treats 13g when you buy 2 cons when you buy 2 when you buy 2 when you buy 2 LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes 75-84 pk, CLOROX Bleach TIDE Zero Laundry PALMOLIVE Spray 350 g or 3° 127 L or Cleaner 19 9 34 L, DOWNY or 10° Dishwashing 2/ ] ? Toilet Bowl Cleaner 887-946 mL. N Beads 680 g Liquid 4.27 L 940 mL when you buy 2 when you buy 2 SECRET 458 a pe OLD SPICE Reserve or (9 LUE OLD SPICE, SECRET Gentiemen's 73-85 g 0 or IVORY Deodorant or GILLETTE Twin TE HERBAL ESSENCES 68-85 g or OLD Pack Deodorant or 99 Shampoo or 9 SPICE 473 mL or 49 OLD SPICE Boch % GOLDBOND Lotion Conditioner 400 mL IVORY 1.035 L Body Wash 532-709 © 85-400 mL or 226g selected Wash selected selected off te = = ce CE, CITE A) CREST Pro-Health or COLGATE Total, Pro Whitening Toothpaste, Relief or Optic White ORAL B Toothbrushes Toothpaste or CLAIROL 65-500 mL or lea or Toothbrushes Natural instincts 2 OZ. VASELINE Lotion 37? SECRET Deodorant À 9 73-120 mL or lea 9 99 Ready-To-Use Hair 0 % 200-600 mL. or off 45 g selected selected Colour 1 ea selected 201-227 g selected oo DODAP ATEN A] DOCS TETE ENFAMIL A+ PAMPERS, COMPLIMENTS 9 Ready To Feed 99 HUGGIES or 9 PAMPERS 4 ORGANIC Baby Formula selected HELLO BELLO Huge Diapers #2 Purées 128 mL 18x237 mL Wipes 504-704 pk 80-160 pk etes Buy Tor de 1.79 ea RE EEE TES FLEXIBLE Dee Æs: FABRIC units , utes , è è FOX 1 eu when you buy 2 pis CONS TTL A | :.200 DE :. 15085 COrOMEMCN ET) when you buy 2 NICORETTE Gum POISE Pads or ZARBEE'S Baby or % or Lozenges % DEPEND % Children's Cough % © 160-210 pk or © Underwear © Syrup 59 mL or BAND-AID off Quickmist Duo off selected of 1i8mL Bandages 10-60 pk sde We can helr » : | | role ne ke when you buy FRS RESTES _ : A % % 29 _VISINE Eye Drops 2 ER 80 vmonGs Elawu QUES 3, /bey Phamayw Pharmacy « sAFEMaT O) when you buy 2 WEEKLY these signs MES a the store Spotlight on Save when you Amazing Extended offer weekly speciais stockuponmore limited-time price for 4+ weeks

Derniéres circulaires

pet care PE mon a mm 31 A PRESSNSEAL NT QE DOTE El Leo CHARMIN Bathroom CHARMIN CPE E) Tissue 8=24 rolls, Bathroom Tissue GLAD Waste Bags 99 BOUNTY Paper 99 12=48 rolis or 9 GLAD Cling Wrap 99 20-40 pk or Small Towels 4=6 or Select BOUNTY Paper 152 m or Press 'N Seal Compostable Bags 43m à Size 2=5 rolls Towel 4-6 pk 44 pk NOTE UT QE CDN TTL 2 ssperiood Don guperiood x {ele COCHE TE AI LS FR (È 9 ENERGIZER Max 79 cour COMPLIMENTS 99 9 HEALTHY PUP ARA 4 pk or AA 8 pk Chicken or Beef Dog BLUE Dry Cat Superfood Dog ed Treats 13 Food 2.2 kg Treats 13g when you buy 2 cons when you buy 2 when you buy 2 when you buy 2 LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes 75-84 pk, CLOROX Bleach TIDE Zero Laundry PALMOLIVE Spray 350 g or 3° 127 L or Cleaner 19 9 34 L, DOWNY or 10° Dishwashing 2/ ] ? Toilet Bowl Cleaner 887-946 mL. N Beads 680 g Liquid 4.27 L 940 mL when you buy 2 when you buy 2 SECRET 458 a pe OLD SPICE Reserve or (9 LUE OLD SPICE, SECRET Gentiemen's 73-85 g 0 or IVORY Deodorant or GILLETTE Twin TE HERBAL ESSENCES 68-85 g or OLD Pack Deodorant or 99 Shampoo or 9 SPICE 473 mL or 49 OLD SPICE Boch % GOLDBOND Lotion Conditioner 400 mL IVORY 1.035 L Body Wash 532-709 © 85-400 mL or 226g selected Wash selected selected off te = = ce CE, CITE A) CREST Pro-Health or COLGATE Total, Pro Whitening Toothpaste, Relief or Optic White ORAL B Toothbrushes Toothpaste or CLAIROL 65-500 mL or lea or Toothbrushes Natural instincts 2 OZ. VASELINE Lotion 37? SECRET Deodorant À 9 73-120 mL or lea 9 99 Ready-To-Use Hair 0 % 200-600 mL. or off 45 g selected selected Colour 1 ea selected 201-227 g selected oo DODAP ATEN A] DOCS TETE ENFAMIL A+ PAMPERS, COMPLIMENTS 9 Ready To Feed 99 HUGGIES or 9 PAMPERS 4 ORGANIC Baby Formula selected HELLO BELLO Huge Diapers #2 Purées 128 mL 18x237 mL Wipes 504-704 pk 80-160 pk etes Buy Tor de 1.79 ea RE EEE TES FLEXIBLE Dee Æs: FABRIC units , utes , è è FOX 1 eu when you buy 2 pis CONS TTL A | :.200 DE :. 15085 COrOMEMCN ET) when you buy 2 NICORETTE Gum POISE Pads or ZARBEE'S Baby or % or Lozenges % DEPEND % Children's Cough % © 160-210 pk or © Underwear © Syrup 59 mL or BAND-AID off Quickmist Duo off selected of 1i8mL Bandages 10-60 pk sde We can helr » : | | role ne ke when you buy FRS RESTES _ : A % % 29 _VISINE Eye Drops 2 ER 80 vmonGs Elawu QUES 3, /bey Phamayw Pharmacy « sAFEMaT O) when you buy 2 WEEKLY these signs MES a the store Spotlight on Save when you Amazing Extended offer weekly speciais stockuponmore limited-time price for 4+ weeks

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