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Circulaire actuelle Save-On-Foods - Fête des Pères - Valable à partir du 15.06 au 21.06 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Save-On-Foods 15.06.2023 - 21.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Grill a selection of quality meats, then serve them up on a board for a Father's Day Steak-cuterie sampler that's sure to 7 — - western family MTL ELLE 14 ESSENTIALS Enhance the flavour of our AAA western Canadian steaks with BBQ sauces, dry rubs, and allthe delicious accompaniments to make a truly memorable meal. tewards card. fiect di

Derniéres circulaires

Grill a selection of quality meats, then serve them up on a board for a Father's Day Steak-cuterie sampler that's sure to 7 — - western family MTL ELLE 14 ESSENTIALS Enhance the flavour of our AAA western Canadian steaks with BBQ sauces, dry rubs, and allthe delicious accompaniments to make a truly memorable meal. tewards card. fiect di

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