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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Valable à partir du 13.04 au 19.04 - Page n° 21

Circulaire Safeway 13.04.2023 - 19.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Get the most Sun's out, fun's out! Great foods to power your play! « One simple ingredient: dry-roasted ( » CI TTL El Lo , ", 99 4 Ag ? 64 549 7 % 10 We © CARBONAUT © CAN CARBONAUT Gluten Free Bread, Compostable with? ZIPLOC Compostable FATSO Peanut NUTS TO YOU L Bread or Buns Bagels or Pizza Crust de ser Sandwich Bags 15-20 pk Butter 500 g Spreods 3659 4 300-544 g 1645509 freshness seal. Da ER ai ">. "a 59 4 x sa — VALLEY POP Ready # sn æ To Eat Popcorn 440 g € o KE — — 4 SS £ CRANK SD l A «2 Ÿ “rad 1101 10] 64 KOMBUCHA CRE -Ée REMEDY on Ms * TER arme Creamy texture ® Kombuche L É that's totally à 330 nt | En SEA SALT plant-based! 7 | SEL MARIN 10<? | CRANK ORGANIC 349 KETTLE Chips Coffee 340 g 1989 Just add a » splash of juice 3 and fresh "a berries or herbs. 1 LACET LIVE & oRGAMC à É y n BERRY DREAMS NE BAIES DE RÊVE COVE Kombucha DREAM POPS 168 mL. HÂAAGEN-DAZS Plant-Based 2186 699 tiens À 99 1 Cream 200 nt

Derniéres circulaires

Get the most Sun's out, fun's out! Great foods to power your play! « One simple ingredient: dry-roasted ( » CI TTL El Lo , ", 99 4 Ag ? 64 549 7 % 10 We © CARBONAUT © CAN CARBONAUT Gluten Free Bread, Compostable with? ZIPLOC Compostable FATSO Peanut NUTS TO YOU L Bread or Buns Bagels or Pizza Crust de ser Sandwich Bags 15-20 pk Butter 500 g Spreods 3659 4 300-544 g 1645509 freshness seal. Da ER ai ">. "a 59 4 x sa — VALLEY POP Ready # sn æ To Eat Popcorn 440 g € o KE — — 4 SS £ CRANK SD l A «2 Ÿ “rad 1101 10] 64 KOMBUCHA CRE -Ée REMEDY on Ms * TER arme Creamy texture ® Kombuche L É that's totally à 330 nt | En SEA SALT plant-based! 7 | SEL MARIN 10<? | CRANK ORGANIC 349 KETTLE Chips Coffee 340 g 1989 Just add a » splash of juice 3 and fresh "a berries or herbs. 1 LACET LIVE & oRGAMC à É y n BERRY DREAMS NE BAIES DE RÊVE COVE Kombucha DREAM POPS 168 mL. HÂAAGEN-DAZS Plant-Based 2186 699 tiens À 99 1 Cream 200 nt

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