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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Ontario - Journée nationale des Patriotes - Valable à partir du 18.05 au 24.05 - Page n° 18

Circulaire Safeway 18.05.2023 - 24.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

vie when you buy 2 PANACHE SIWIN Dumplings, without Maple Syrup er KELLOGG'S Cereal 2 Pot Sticker or Mini 8°° Scene Amber Rich 2/ 9 selected varieties 99 COMPLIMENTS 29 Wonton 454-500 g 500 mL 306-5258 Peanut Butter 500 g selected varieties LS 1 ( A \ + % 4 ? = = N À CAMPBELL'S " 3/4 99 c°rrurenrs 2/$ Broth 900 mL or 92 49 Pizza Crust Mix Concentrated BUSH'S Baked Beans DAINTY Basmati or 1848 Broth 250 mL 398 mL Jasmine Rice 900 g RS > HELLMANN'S RMS : Vegan Salad oi} piteleant À FRENCH'S Creamy € OROWEAT 79 Dressing 250 mL or 99 Mustards creamy, 7 Grains 680 g FRENCHS Crunchy | BOW VALLEY applewood or r eio S.29ea Toppers 170 g Killa Ketchup 350 mL chipotie 325 mL CONTE DEMPSTER'S BETTY CROCKER { AQ Cinnamon 4 FRANK'S RedHot 9 BBQ PIT BOYS 49 Cookies, Cupcakes, +2 Raisin Bread Seasoning Blend Assorted Grilling Brownies or Muffin ETS Se 680 g 4.79 ea original 132 g Spices 270-408 g Tops 348-5218 nr GE when you buy 2 SE EN 377 como D 99 cons 215 GR de Cereal 400-794 g o ): DETTE s « Pickles Albacore Tuna 170 g Bagels 6 pk 99 sinout PURE PROTEIN 29 QUE PASA 7 CASBAH 99 COMPLIMENTS 11 Scene+_Non-GMO Bars Tortilla Chips Side Dishes ORGANIC Broths Cond Gp 156-350 £ 180-340 g 900 mL. :.100 GE be when you buy 2 7 A9 See ORGANC , AMY'S KITCHEN RISE Kombucha 1 L. Card Ketchup orB8Q L Bowis or Entrées 99 MILLENNIA Superfood 9 COMPLIMENTS Sauce 250 mL. ” eve, 241:284g Tea Cubes 81 g or ORGANIC Large Eggs Fa? 699ea DAIA Pizza 411-550 g 12 pk mat oE E° Ets Dre est St VITAL Proteins Collagen or NUTIVA CENTRUM Vitamins or 99 summies $ ue A9 Sur Prntsases 45-160 pk KIND Bars 40 g 221620 g Cheese 200 g or selected Pack of 12 for 22.99 Yogurt 640-680 g selected

Derniéres circulaires

vie when you buy 2 PANACHE SIWIN Dumplings, without Maple Syrup er KELLOGG'S Cereal 2 Pot Sticker or Mini 8°° Scene Amber Rich 2/ 9 selected varieties 99 COMPLIMENTS 29 Wonton 454-500 g 500 mL 306-5258 Peanut Butter 500 g selected varieties LS 1 ( A \ + % 4 ? = = N À CAMPBELL'S " 3/4 99 c°rrurenrs 2/$ Broth 900 mL or 92 49 Pizza Crust Mix Concentrated BUSH'S Baked Beans DAINTY Basmati or 1848 Broth 250 mL 398 mL Jasmine Rice 900 g RS > HELLMANN'S RMS : Vegan Salad oi} piteleant À FRENCH'S Creamy € OROWEAT 79 Dressing 250 mL or 99 Mustards creamy, 7 Grains 680 g FRENCHS Crunchy | BOW VALLEY applewood or r eio S.29ea Toppers 170 g Killa Ketchup 350 mL chipotie 325 mL CONTE DEMPSTER'S BETTY CROCKER { AQ Cinnamon 4 FRANK'S RedHot 9 BBQ PIT BOYS 49 Cookies, Cupcakes, +2 Raisin Bread Seasoning Blend Assorted Grilling Brownies or Muffin ETS Se 680 g 4.79 ea original 132 g Spices 270-408 g Tops 348-5218 nr GE when you buy 2 SE EN 377 como D 99 cons 215 GR de Cereal 400-794 g o ): DETTE s « Pickles Albacore Tuna 170 g Bagels 6 pk 99 sinout PURE PROTEIN 29 QUE PASA 7 CASBAH 99 COMPLIMENTS 11 Scene+_Non-GMO Bars Tortilla Chips Side Dishes ORGANIC Broths Cond Gp 156-350 £ 180-340 g 900 mL. :.100 GE be when you buy 2 7 A9 See ORGANC , AMY'S KITCHEN RISE Kombucha 1 L. Card Ketchup orB8Q L Bowis or Entrées 99 MILLENNIA Superfood 9 COMPLIMENTS Sauce 250 mL. ” eve, 241:284g Tea Cubes 81 g or ORGANIC Large Eggs Fa? 699ea DAIA Pizza 411-550 g 12 pk mat oE E° Ets Dre est St VITAL Proteins Collagen or NUTIVA CENTRUM Vitamins or 99 summies $ ue A9 Sur Prntsases 45-160 pk KIND Bars 40 g 221620 g Cheese 200 g or selected Pack of 12 for 22.99 Yogurt 640-680 g selected

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