La demande doit comporter entre 2 et 50 caractères

Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Valable à partir du 20.04 au 26.04 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Safeway 20.04.2023 - 26.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

UT Or A) 5 Large Avocados H productof Mexico 5 pk à Sweet Potatoes product of USA 4398 e hen you buy 1 495. Pineapples product of Costa Rica Celery no 1 grade product of USA Zucchini product of USA or Mexico 5.05/kg Ye PPT) 4 Blackberries product 99 of USA or Mexico Grapefruit Cantaloupes product of no 1 grade 170 g product of Israel Guatemala or Honduras TN LT Al COMPLIMENTS 49 FRESH ATTITUDE Caesar or 99 Broccoli Florets, Cauliflower, Asparagus product of Mexico or Peru Spring Mix Salad Kits product of Vegetable Medley or Stir-Fry b 9.90/kg USA 155-175 g product of USA 340 g AL 0 TNT CT A COMPLIMENTS 99 99 oRGanIc Red or Green A9 SRSANIC Baby-cut Large ORGANIC Red Mangoes Seediess Grapes product of Carrots product of product of Mexico South Africa no 1, 11.00/kg USA 4548 ME 2 ÿ Le LIT CT 2 D ORGANIC PRODUCT OF COMPLIMENTS 9 Strawberries product 4 WESTERN CANADA 99 ORGANIC Salad 99 GREENHOUSE of USA or Mexico no 1 ORGANIC Grape Blends product of ORGANIC Shots 454g Tomatoes pint USA 3128 selected 60 mL. when you buy 1 F 5 AS LPO EMEA) À 99 9 Peperomia in 9 Tropical Aloe in Polka-Dot Decorative Thank You Mixed Planter in Ceramic 4" Ceramic Bouquet Ceramic RECIPI

Derniéres circulaires

UT Or A) 5 Large Avocados H productof Mexico 5 pk à Sweet Potatoes product of USA 4398 e hen you buy 1 495. Pineapples product of Costa Rica Celery no 1 grade product of USA Zucchini product of USA or Mexico 5.05/kg Ye PPT) 4 Blackberries product 99 of USA or Mexico Grapefruit Cantaloupes product of no 1 grade 170 g product of Israel Guatemala or Honduras TN LT Al COMPLIMENTS 49 FRESH ATTITUDE Caesar or 99 Broccoli Florets, Cauliflower, Asparagus product of Mexico or Peru Spring Mix Salad Kits product of Vegetable Medley or Stir-Fry b 9.90/kg USA 155-175 g product of USA 340 g AL 0 TNT CT A COMPLIMENTS 99 99 oRGanIc Red or Green A9 SRSANIC Baby-cut Large ORGANIC Red Mangoes Seediess Grapes product of Carrots product of product of Mexico South Africa no 1, 11.00/kg USA 4548 ME 2 ÿ Le LIT CT 2 D ORGANIC PRODUCT OF COMPLIMENTS 9 Strawberries product 4 WESTERN CANADA 99 ORGANIC Salad 99 GREENHOUSE of USA or Mexico no 1 ORGANIC Grape Blends product of ORGANIC Shots 454g Tomatoes pint USA 3128 selected 60 mL. when you buy 1 F 5 AS LPO EMEA) À 99 9 Peperomia in 9 Tropical Aloe in Polka-Dot Decorative Thank You Mixed Planter in Ceramic 4" Ceramic Bouquet Ceramic RECIPI

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