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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Valable à partir du 10.11 au 16.11 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Safeway 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Fresh Atlantic Salmon Roasts with Chipotle, Apple, Imitation Crab «09 and Seafood Stuffing Maple Bacon Back Ribs half rack available hot or off chilled 355 g 6° In Store Made Ground Lean, Ground Chuck or Turkey Meatloaves or Meatballs à Grenk for male porté = various flavours 15.41/Kg belly burnt ends! Panini or Sub + Try homemade smoked Buns 3-6 pk bacon and also great 250-480 g in soups! Extra Large 49 Green Seedless Skinless Pork Belly SUNRISE FARMS Seasoned DE product of /© cryovac frozen while Split Chicken Wings frozen USA no 1 supplies last 7.69/kg /b W00/kg $44 for 4 kg box grade 6.59/kg Lu Lraÿ sn sa" + VILLAGGIO Bread 4 , = COMPLIMENTS 510-540 £. à Potato Chips or 2/$ Buns 6-8 pk or 7 Extraaa! Flavour 47 HELLMANN'S DEMPSTERS COMPLIMENTS 7 2 Chips 200 g Mayonnaise Tortillas 272-340 g Peanut Butter 2 kg BIT 269-299 ea 710-890 mL PRET 22 = D S Se (7 1 = = er $ Ë À EC | vw 1 om! NABOB Roast & HEALTHY CHOICE COMPLIMENTS Ground Coffee Gourmet Steamers (7 Cheese 2708 DOLE Fruit Bowis, 915-930 g or 283-306 g or or Natural Skces 3° Fruit Cups 4 pk or 99 COMPLIMENTS 9 HUNGRY-MAN Frozen ITS Se 210-2108 549 ea Fruit Jars 540 mL Coffee Pods 30 pk Dinners 360-455 g BUBLY Sparking Water 12x355 mL or MONTELLIER MUNCHIES Snack # { Sparkling Water Mix 250 g 7 10x355 mL 2/65 or SUNCHIPS 2/ ee COCA-COLA Soft 12° HEINZ Beans or Pasta ETES 599ea 2058 Drinks 12x355 mL 398 mL | > = i xD MCCAFE Keurig® Compatible => Single Serve Pods AFTER EIGHT, COFFEEMATE Coffee 12 pk or TASSIMO 99 TURTLES or 99 Creamers 946 mL. or 2/ T-Discs 14 pk 88 MACKINTOSH Toffee DAIRYLAND Beverage or TWININGS Tea DAWN Dishwashing Tin 144-300 g Chocolate 2 L 100 pk Soap 431-473 mL orge nt LS PET EE) PUREX Bathroom Tissue triple 12=36 rolls or 99 xeutoccs crea 2/ $ 47 99 soc TowELs selected varieties DEMPSTER'S BLACK DIAMOND Uhra Pro Giant 210-525 English Muffins 6 pk Cheestrings 12-16 pk 6=9 rolls Loi COOP ET Kio ee when you buy 5 COOP E) Tasty combo Now available in store! Pare vel th plr PT somethi u « Beer and cider available at selected stores. Cha ae See below for locations. r { \ *pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit nn. D À A © À * ll CORONA EXTRA MILLER Lite STELLA ARTOIS SSjusl 6x473 mL tall cans 6x413 mL tall cans 473 mL tall can promo retail 19.95 \ promo retail 16.25 promo retail 3.45 PROUDLY CANADIAN & Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay « 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

Derniéres circulaires

Fresh Atlantic Salmon Roasts with Chipotle, Apple, Imitation Crab «09 and Seafood Stuffing Maple Bacon Back Ribs half rack available hot or off chilled 355 g 6° In Store Made Ground Lean, Ground Chuck or Turkey Meatloaves or Meatballs à Grenk for male porté = various flavours 15.41/Kg belly burnt ends! Panini or Sub + Try homemade smoked Buns 3-6 pk bacon and also great 250-480 g in soups! Extra Large 49 Green Seedless Skinless Pork Belly SUNRISE FARMS Seasoned DE product of /© cryovac frozen while Split Chicken Wings frozen USA no 1 supplies last 7.69/kg /b W00/kg $44 for 4 kg box grade 6.59/kg Lu Lraÿ sn sa" + VILLAGGIO Bread 4 , = COMPLIMENTS 510-540 £. à Potato Chips or 2/$ Buns 6-8 pk or 7 Extraaa! Flavour 47 HELLMANN'S DEMPSTERS COMPLIMENTS 7 2 Chips 200 g Mayonnaise Tortillas 272-340 g Peanut Butter 2 kg BIT 269-299 ea 710-890 mL PRET 22 = D S Se (7 1 = = er $ Ë À EC | vw 1 om! NABOB Roast & HEALTHY CHOICE COMPLIMENTS Ground Coffee Gourmet Steamers (7 Cheese 2708 DOLE Fruit Bowis, 915-930 g or 283-306 g or or Natural Skces 3° Fruit Cups 4 pk or 99 COMPLIMENTS 9 HUNGRY-MAN Frozen ITS Se 210-2108 549 ea Fruit Jars 540 mL Coffee Pods 30 pk Dinners 360-455 g BUBLY Sparking Water 12x355 mL or MONTELLIER MUNCHIES Snack # { Sparkling Water Mix 250 g 7 10x355 mL 2/65 or SUNCHIPS 2/ ee COCA-COLA Soft 12° HEINZ Beans or Pasta ETES 599ea 2058 Drinks 12x355 mL 398 mL | > = i xD MCCAFE Keurig® Compatible => Single Serve Pods AFTER EIGHT, COFFEEMATE Coffee 12 pk or TASSIMO 99 TURTLES or 99 Creamers 946 mL. or 2/ T-Discs 14 pk 88 MACKINTOSH Toffee DAIRYLAND Beverage or TWININGS Tea DAWN Dishwashing Tin 144-300 g Chocolate 2 L 100 pk Soap 431-473 mL orge nt LS PET EE) PUREX Bathroom Tissue triple 12=36 rolls or 99 xeutoccs crea 2/ $ 47 99 soc TowELs selected varieties DEMPSTER'S BLACK DIAMOND Uhra Pro Giant 210-525 English Muffins 6 pk Cheestrings 12-16 pk 6=9 rolls Loi COOP ET Kio ee when you buy 5 COOP E) Tasty combo Now available in store! Pare vel th plr PT somethi u « Beer and cider available at selected stores. Cha ae See below for locations. r { \ *pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit nn. D À A © À * ll CORONA EXTRA MILLER Lite STELLA ARTOIS SSjusl 6x473 mL tall cans 6x413 mL tall cans 473 mL tall can promo retail 19.95 \ promo retail 16.25 promo retail 3.45 PROUDLY CANADIAN & Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay « 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

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