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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Halloween - Valable à partir du 20.10 au 26.10 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SUPER YOUR EDR & TREATS! ET ' “ PNG Ce À ESS Mondoue med endy bg LSkger UMIT6 Nestié KitKat scary Halloween friends or UMIT6 Child's Play candy 1.3 99 assorted chocolate 99 selected varices selected varities, 328-590 g ea nca ea overlimipay 12.99 ea overlimi pay 9.99 a Fe S h j À À y _ _f Cadbury assorted chocolate UMIT6 or Maynards assorted candy Trick or Treat pumpkin pal Den meetes 99 um 00 ea over limit pay 19.99 ea Pantin 0 Cr Nestié Kitkat scary Halloween friends or UMIT6 anni assorted chocolste 99 Hersheÿ's sssorteit Halloween candy or chocoiets 99 selected varices, 738 g/1.23kg 4. selected varaties 100/1255 L over ik pay 19.99 00 ‘over it pay 17.99 ea SE LIMIT 4 Old Dutch Halloween cheese ssticks or potato chips Dare Bear Paws MS 100, =. 22 ST . Eee 229. æ, NT UNE LMIT4 General Mills Pumpkin Spice Pringles Halloween GREEN & BLACKS Cheerios 306 9, Reese Puffs potato chips 99 organic chocolate 99 Bats 326 9 or Count Chocula 33 selected vareties, 608 g selected varieties, 90 g 295 gcereal ea sam 24 ea aa da ea overlimit pay 449 ea Prices and offers effective from Thursday, October 20th to Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. E FE REAL Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) LL)

Derniéres circulaires

SUPER YOUR EDR & TREATS! ET ' “ PNG Ce À ESS Mondoue med endy bg LSkger UMIT6 Nestié KitKat scary Halloween friends or UMIT6 Child's Play candy 1.3 99 assorted chocolate 99 selected varices selected varities, 328-590 g ea nca ea overlimipay 12.99 ea overlimi pay 9.99 a Fe S h j À À y _ _f Cadbury assorted chocolate UMIT6 or Maynards assorted candy Trick or Treat pumpkin pal Den meetes 99 um 00 ea over limit pay 19.99 ea Pantin 0 Cr Nestié Kitkat scary Halloween friends or UMIT6 anni assorted chocolste 99 Hersheÿ's sssorteit Halloween candy or chocoiets 99 selected varices, 738 g/1.23kg 4. selected varaties 100/1255 L over ik pay 19.99 00 ‘over it pay 17.99 ea SE LIMIT 4 Old Dutch Halloween cheese ssticks or potato chips Dare Bear Paws MS 100, =. 22 ST . Eee 229. æ, NT UNE LMIT4 General Mills Pumpkin Spice Pringles Halloween GREEN & BLACKS Cheerios 306 9, Reese Puffs potato chips 99 organic chocolate 99 Bats 326 9 or Count Chocula 33 selected vareties, 608 g selected varieties, 90 g 295 gcereal ea sam 24 ea aa da ea overlimit pay 449 ea Prices and offers effective from Thursday, October 20th to Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. E FE REAL Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) LL)

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