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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Valable à partir du 08.11 au 25.12 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 08.11.2024 - 25.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Fire up flavour without burning a hole in your wallet PC®ELECTRIC INDOOR PIZZA OVEN EL PILE 7 ® UTP PAT CNE ne lee A Ur] L'lebX 2 74 rentes DÉTENTE M UT Ce AE US Indoor kitchen when the main ovenis being used + 20 minutes to heat, 90 seconds to cook Pizza Oven + includes cordierite pizza stone DES TETUETEN PC* Non Stick Pizza ACT R Lao Le TC LE] PLAQUE À PIZZA Stick Pizza Crisper See s PNEUS $14 PC* 13" Stoneware Pizza Stone ÉrFLIA Nr 0 d @

Derniéres circulaires

Fire up flavour without burning a hole in your wallet PC®ELECTRIC INDOOR PIZZA OVEN EL PILE 7 ® UTP PAT CNE ne lee A Ur] L'lebX 2 74 rentes DÉTENTE M UT Ce AE US Indoor kitchen when the main ovenis being used + 20 minutes to heat, 90 seconds to cook Pizza Oven + includes cordierite pizza stone DES TETUETEN PC* Non Stick Pizza ACT R Lao Le TC LE] PLAQUE À PIZZA Stick Pizza Crisper See s PNEUS $14 PC* 13" Stoneware Pizza Stone ÉrFLIA Nr 0 d @

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