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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Valable à partir du 19.01 au 25.01 - Page n° 15

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 19.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

BUY 2 OR MORE Pampers 9/10x baby wipes Le see 00 ea ess than 2 pay 21.99 ea Pampers Easy-Ups giant pack training pants selected varieties, 68-1125 ms asie Css HUGGIES HUGGIES Simply clean L2 à = iv, eo ns u LIMIT 4 Huggies 16x baby wipes 99 Ninjamas nighttime underwear selected varieties, 960-152 selected vareties, 34/44's x x ea Wu à over limit pay 27.49 ea CE ) # rs net s PC* Organies baby food tubs rate or! * Organies Ehreese 42%. == ea nn : over limit pay 50.99 ea Avceno Baby Gourmet organic toddler snacks UMIT6 Enfagrow A+ ready to Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, | SAVEUPTO selected varieties and sizes 49 drink toddiier nutritional 97 Penaten or Desitin baby needs % 231509 M supplement " allvareties and szes La over imit pay 3.59 ea 1.802199 > we ÿ) aE rash SAVEUPTO SAVEUPTO Euçerin ee Aquaphor diaper DrChase KolikorXzema FROM cream, healing ointment or % Munchkin baby accessories % Infant products 49 baby wash and shampoo à alivañetes and sizes > allvarietes and sizes 719-1.99 2.00-55.99 749-1499

Derniéres circulaires

BUY 2 OR MORE Pampers 9/10x baby wipes Le see 00 ea ess than 2 pay 21.99 ea Pampers Easy-Ups giant pack training pants selected varieties, 68-1125 ms asie Css HUGGIES HUGGIES Simply clean L2 à = iv, eo ns u LIMIT 4 Huggies 16x baby wipes 99 Ninjamas nighttime underwear selected varieties, 960-152 selected vareties, 34/44's x x ea Wu à over limit pay 27.49 ea CE ) # rs net s PC* Organies baby food tubs rate or! * Organies Ehreese 42%. == ea nn : over limit pay 50.99 ea Avceno Baby Gourmet organic toddler snacks UMIT6 Enfagrow A+ ready to Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, | SAVEUPTO selected varieties and sizes 49 drink toddiier nutritional 97 Penaten or Desitin baby needs % 231509 M supplement " allvareties and szes La over imit pay 3.59 ea 1.802199 > we ÿ) aE rash SAVEUPTO SAVEUPTO Euçerin ee Aquaphor diaper DrChase KolikorXzema FROM cream, healing ointment or % Munchkin baby accessories % Infant products 49 baby wash and shampoo à alivañetes and sizes > allvarietes and sizes 719-1.99 2.00-55.99 749-1499

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