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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Thanksgiving Day - Valable à partir du 06.10 au 13.10 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Peavey Mart 06.10.2022 - 13.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 15% YWTEX SAVE $5 Ling EARLY Ear Tags For Livestock 109 DLL N M 7 cn on ges 24 99 Grade 8 Aluminum e Scoop Shovel U ses. | 50 Head commet À Cattle Waterer ue 4 Reg. 29.99 The binged boul is designed 0 ft 370164 up for easy ceoning, 5 well as quick access 1 al intemal component. Reg. 699.99 298982 Discount applies lo regular priced items onb. SAVE $50 SAVE $100 DD nc 329°° 569°° rer 8.75 cu. ft. Bi 420 Gallon Horizontal Wheel Farm Cart Water Transfer Tank 200b copociy. Corrosion & chemical Reinforced steel ae resistant. Rugged impot for heavy-duty hauling, = resistant polyethylene Reg. 379.99 standard 2° outlet 379311 Reg. 669.99 212046 W/CANARM: 1 SAVE $5 SAVE 15% 99 À Dehycoted Alfalfa EE Fes Quest Plus Gel Dewormer 29°? etfties de es g se Se Da nn te EN Rubber Stall Mat ppm ri 217612 Isopropyl Rubbing 4x7 x 1/2. Eosy ke un Alcohol 3.8L ne Ued for pos-race cool dours, musde rubs & disinfection. Reg. 35.49 217940 0 co ee priéng. e sr aeer Soldes fe prière Beet Pulp « Harvest Rolled Oats With « Harvest Hog Grower 20kg ProForr: Rabbit Feed 25kg EDa Pellets 20kg — &cx Molasses 20kg anses Feed io hogs hot weigh over a, Specioly formulotod High calorie, low protein, Steam rolled oots with 25kg until ready for market ANA diet for robbits. low sugar, high fibre to molasses is a nutriious, or breeding. 507837 help with digestion & general-purpose 213253 promoles gui heolh Hood for your 3533712 ë md 8 | Harvest 1 Harvest ED FREE BAG AFTER Can BEET PULP Ë = Ms Poe Cou Revo —_—__…—— pour feebog. Sec local store for prcing See local sore for pricing. See local siore for pricing. LT 13 IN-STORE ORDER AT PICK UI PICK UP PEAVEYMART.COM

Derniéres circulaires

SAVE 15% YWTEX SAVE $5 Ling EARLY Ear Tags For Livestock 109 DLL N M 7 cn on ges 24 99 Grade 8 Aluminum e Scoop Shovel U ses. | 50 Head commet À Cattle Waterer ue 4 Reg. 29.99 The binged boul is designed 0 ft 370164 up for easy ceoning, 5 well as quick access 1 al intemal component. Reg. 699.99 298982 Discount applies lo regular priced items onb. SAVE $50 SAVE $100 DD nc 329°° 569°° rer 8.75 cu. ft. Bi 420 Gallon Horizontal Wheel Farm Cart Water Transfer Tank 200b copociy. Corrosion & chemical Reinforced steel ae resistant. Rugged impot for heavy-duty hauling, = resistant polyethylene Reg. 379.99 standard 2° outlet 379311 Reg. 669.99 212046 W/CANARM: 1 SAVE $5 SAVE 15% 99 À Dehycoted Alfalfa EE Fes Quest Plus Gel Dewormer 29°? etfties de es g se Se Da nn te EN Rubber Stall Mat ppm ri 217612 Isopropyl Rubbing 4x7 x 1/2. Eosy ke un Alcohol 3.8L ne Ued for pos-race cool dours, musde rubs & disinfection. Reg. 35.49 217940 0 co ee priéng. e sr aeer Soldes fe prière Beet Pulp « Harvest Rolled Oats With « Harvest Hog Grower 20kg ProForr: Rabbit Feed 25kg EDa Pellets 20kg — &cx Molasses 20kg anses Feed io hogs hot weigh over a, Specioly formulotod High calorie, low protein, Steam rolled oots with 25kg until ready for market ANA diet for robbits. low sugar, high fibre to molasses is a nutriious, or breeding. 507837 help with digestion & general-purpose 213253 promoles gui heolh Hood for your 3533712 ë md 8 | Harvest 1 Harvest ED FREE BAG AFTER Can BEET PULP Ë = Ms Poe Cou Revo —_—__…—— pour feebog. Sec local store for prcing See local sore for pricing. See local siore for pricing. LT 13 IN-STORE ORDER AT PICK UI PICK UP PEAVEYMART.COM

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