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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 20.09 au 26.09 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Peavey Mart 20.09.2024 - 26.09.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

I L $S15 149% 64% | 64% ie PACKOUTT" Low-Profile 4 Piece Pry Bar Set 15” PACKOUTT" Tool Bag 999 E Organizer Features an bem design for Impact resistant molded base that connects Consucted vih impact resistant wo En vu prying strength. M, labs ue ] al DORE FSuess Reg 799 TM TM 3570179 3566600 M12T" FUEL £ Lt 2-Tool Combo Kit. 5 : | Des A 399 SAVE 15% 3560591 99 CAN MCOUICS M187" High Output Boitery b RC 3517516 cel oil sortent sp mr SAVE 20% Luflin SAVE $10 DEWALT Circular Saw Blades 99 99 SAVE $2 Assoried brands & options available 99 25’ Tape Measure re Selfcentering tape, shows the Impact Torque Bit Set 3 Piece es ofany measurement. Impact ready bits with FlexTorq increasing Drywall Bit Set the durabilit for long life. Reflex core Cal reducss breckoge. design with a classic finish. Reg. 39.99 Reg 3.39 3503161 3503238 à SAVE 25% Locks & Padlocks « Assorted brands & options availoble. SAVE 20% BEFREnr SAVE 60% "© hr Braber Hardware Kits PRIME-LITE Wide range of kits including fosteners, fuses, rings, washers, screws, pins, & more. Assoried options available Reg. 5.99-119.99 fi 6669 * “Discount opplies to regular price items oh. 11°? 16-in-1 Edge Multi-Tool mega 0686%8 RSR ER fs & 2 “Discount plis to regular price items on. Compact, everyday carry muli tool with 16 different buil-in plier, knives, screwdhivers & opaners. Features a USB rechargeoble flashlight for 1he moments when ou just need that le bit of ight Lo s00 what you are working on. Comes with a nylon carry pouch & micro USB charging lead. Indoor or outdoor use. Reg. 29.99 3572708 Limited 10 existing inventory. No rain check. É À SAVE 25% Mibro Rope AAssorted options availeble

Derniéres circulaires

I L $S15 149% 64% | 64% ie PACKOUTT" Low-Profile 4 Piece Pry Bar Set 15” PACKOUTT" Tool Bag 999 E Organizer Features an bem design for Impact resistant molded base that connects Consucted vih impact resistant wo En vu prying strength. M, labs ue ] al DORE FSuess Reg 799 TM TM 3570179 3566600 M12T" FUEL £ Lt 2-Tool Combo Kit. 5 : | Des A 399 SAVE 15% 3560591 99 CAN MCOUICS M187" High Output Boitery b RC 3517516 cel oil sortent sp mr SAVE 20% Luflin SAVE $10 DEWALT Circular Saw Blades 99 99 SAVE $2 Assoried brands & options available 99 25’ Tape Measure re Selfcentering tape, shows the Impact Torque Bit Set 3 Piece es ofany measurement. Impact ready bits with FlexTorq increasing Drywall Bit Set the durabilit for long life. Reflex core Cal reducss breckoge. design with a classic finish. Reg. 39.99 Reg 3.39 3503161 3503238 à SAVE 25% Locks & Padlocks « Assorted brands & options availoble. SAVE 20% BEFREnr SAVE 60% "© hr Braber Hardware Kits PRIME-LITE Wide range of kits including fosteners, fuses, rings, washers, screws, pins, & more. Assoried options available Reg. 5.99-119.99 fi 6669 * “Discount opplies to regular price items oh. 11°? 16-in-1 Edge Multi-Tool mega 0686%8 RSR ER fs & 2 “Discount plis to regular price items on. Compact, everyday carry muli tool with 16 different buil-in plier, knives, screwdhivers & opaners. Features a USB rechargeoble flashlight for 1he moments when ou just need that le bit of ight Lo s00 what you are working on. Comes with a nylon carry pouch & micro USB charging lead. Indoor or outdoor use. Reg. 29.99 3572708 Limited 10 existing inventory. No rain check. É À SAVE 25% Mibro Rope AAssorted options availeble

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