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Circulaire actuelle Longo's - Valable à partir du 01.06 au 07.06 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Longo's 01.06.2023 - 07.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

TEA CENTRES y. À Fresh Tree Ripened Super Haden Mangoes are harvestedinthe jungles of Venezuela and flown to your neighbourhood Longo's within 2 DAYS" of being picked! Now that's fresh obsession! “Travel time is an estimation and, times unforesoen cireumstances may affect delivery. Fresh Honey Sweet ! 1 Mangoes Product of Mexico 4-5 pack 7D Dried Mango WOgpkg 6°? tte MADE IN-STORE! Longo's 6" Mango Mousse Cake 450g 99 2 Mango Tarts 8" Mango Cream Mousse . 1 9 $2499 CPR Spa PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY JUNE 15° TO WEDNESDAY JUNE 14°, 2023. CG” Fresh Haden Mangoes Produet of Mexico 2 rorŸ4 Fresh Tree Ripe Super Haden Mangoes Product of Venezuela T.00/kg Fresh Kesar Mangoes Product of India MADE a 2% IN-STORE! 7" Design may vary per location.

Derniéres circulaires

TEA CENTRES y. À Fresh Tree Ripened Super Haden Mangoes are harvestedinthe jungles of Venezuela and flown to your neighbourhood Longo's within 2 DAYS" of being picked! Now that's fresh obsession! “Travel time is an estimation and, times unforesoen cireumstances may affect delivery. Fresh Honey Sweet ! 1 Mangoes Product of Mexico 4-5 pack 7D Dried Mango WOgpkg 6°? tte MADE IN-STORE! Longo's 6" Mango Mousse Cake 450g 99 2 Mango Tarts 8" Mango Cream Mousse . 1 9 $2499 CPR Spa PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY JUNE 15° TO WEDNESDAY JUNE 14°, 2023. CG” Fresh Haden Mangoes Produet of Mexico 2 rorŸ4 Fresh Tree Ripe Super Haden Mangoes Product of Venezuela T.00/kg Fresh Kesar Mangoes Product of India MADE a 2% IN-STORE! 7" Design may vary per location.

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