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Circulaire actuelle Independent - Valable à partir du 30.01 au 05.02 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Independent 30.01.2025 - 05.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Discover more | CI) ndependent value than ever. CSC 1 WHOLE CHICKEN INCLUDES HALAL ANCLUANT HALAL 5 | 99: - FARMER S MARKET" aa ( AS oser mosocco | Prices dé Eu maRcHé ‘LB MANDARINES é DÉLICES DU MARCHÉ® PORK BACK RIBS 29 rs carvovar Pac GE asn6 CÔTES DE DOS las) RAW 1 ONTARIO 30 CRUES ENGLISH CUCUMBERS FROGUCT 01 ONTamo &'Æ <oncom LB/EA. a‘ 6 FRESH ASCTILAPIA > FILLETS 7.99 10 v:ux0 où PC' PACIFIC LARGE WHITE, SHRIMP sun où coontSAUTE FRENCH 20 SCHNEIDERS CAFÉ EN GRAINS OU PE! IÈ ET MOULU stucTED VAmENEs 20-756 PEPPE! SCHNEIDERS Optimum- SURPRISE OFFER | /:0° 0 4days only!" | _/!: Thursday Jan. 30 in (pts - to Sunday Feb. 2 Flyer prices effective from Thursday, January 30th to Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS.

Derniéres circulaires

Discover more | CI) ndependent value than ever. CSC 1 WHOLE CHICKEN INCLUDES HALAL ANCLUANT HALAL 5 | 99: - FARMER S MARKET" aa ( AS oser mosocco | Prices dé Eu maRcHé ‘LB MANDARINES é DÉLICES DU MARCHÉ® PORK BACK RIBS 29 rs carvovar Pac GE asn6 CÔTES DE DOS las) RAW 1 ONTARIO 30 CRUES ENGLISH CUCUMBERS FROGUCT 01 ONTamo &'Æ <oncom LB/EA. a‘ 6 FRESH ASCTILAPIA > FILLETS 7.99 10 v:ux0 où PC' PACIFIC LARGE WHITE, SHRIMP sun où coontSAUTE FRENCH 20 SCHNEIDERS CAFÉ EN GRAINS OU PE! IÈ ET MOULU stucTED VAmENEs 20-756 PEPPE! SCHNEIDERS Optimum- SURPRISE OFFER | /:0° 0 4days only!" | _/!: Thursday Jan. 30 in (pts - to Sunday Feb. 2 Flyer prices effective from Thursday, January 30th to Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS.

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