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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 04.05 au 10.05 - Page n° 27

Circulaire Fortinos 04.05.2023 - 10.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

LT. 12.4 710, RE an Preparation lime: 5 min INGREDIENTS PREPARATION + 325g Liberté Greek Yogourt 5% (half a container) You will need: + % cup Sour cream 14% « Cheese clolh 2 oser sl oo ose) Énre Cor pilcher and wooden spoon) DIRECTIONS 1. Thoroughly mix all ingredients togelher in a boul. 2. Line a strainer with 3-4 sheets of cheese cloih so ha it passes slighly over he sides. 3. Spoon Îhe Yogurt mixture into he cheeseclofh filer and bring ne sides togeiher and Histo form a bunde. Place he stainer over a boul big enough 1 let he liquid dip away. To speed up ihe process and get a dryer cheese, place a weïgh over Ihe top of he bundie ne same size in circumerence. f you do nof have a shaineï, you can aitach ie bundle on a wooden spoon and let it hang in a Hall container for ie liquid to drain.» 4. Transfer everything o the rerigeralor. Let drain for at least 8 hours, and up to 24. The longer you wait he less moistur it wil have and he fhicker it wil be. 5. Remove the mixure from he filer and place in a airight container in he rerigerator nil use, Keep regeraled it is best when used win one week ONLINE 27 = il": 6

Derniéres circulaires

LT. 12.4 710, RE an Preparation lime: 5 min INGREDIENTS PREPARATION + 325g Liberté Greek Yogourt 5% (half a container) You will need: + % cup Sour cream 14% « Cheese clolh 2 oser sl oo ose) Énre Cor pilcher and wooden spoon) DIRECTIONS 1. Thoroughly mix all ingredients togelher in a boul. 2. Line a strainer with 3-4 sheets of cheese cloih so ha it passes slighly over he sides. 3. Spoon Îhe Yogurt mixture into he cheeseclofh filer and bring ne sides togeiher and Histo form a bunde. Place he stainer over a boul big enough 1 let he liquid dip away. To speed up ihe process and get a dryer cheese, place a weïgh over Ihe top of he bundie ne same size in circumerence. f you do nof have a shaineï, you can aitach ie bundle on a wooden spoon and let it hang in a Hall container for ie liquid to drain.» 4. Transfer everything o the rerigeralor. Let drain for at least 8 hours, and up to 24. The longer you wait he less moistur it wil have and he fhicker it wil be. 5. Remove the mixure from he filer and place in a airight container in he rerigerator nil use, Keep regeraled it is best when used win one week ONLINE 27 = il": 6

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