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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 10.11 au 16.11 - Page n° 23

Circulaire Fortinos 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

For a Fresh and Clean Home this Winter Count on a ORGANIC Pro classic, now organic LE CRE TES Ê > 4 Finish® Quantum Utimate” 56 ct,Finish® Quantum® 64 ct Air Wick® Scented Os” 3 x 20 mL or or Finish® Al in 1 Max 78 ct, selected varietes Freshmatic” 3 x 175 - 180 g, selected varities BEN'S ORIGINAL” Bistro Express” Rice (2409-250g), Ben's Organic Ready to Heat Rice (240g) BEN'S ORIGINAL" Fast & Fancy” Products (1329) BEN'S ORIGINAL" Natural Select” Rice Cése-297e). BEN'S ORIGINAL” Lysol® Household Cieaners 650 mL - 1.2 L'or Resolve® in-Wash 625 g or J| 10-Min Specialty Rice Dry Rice Products Lysol® Tolet Bow Ceaners 710 mL, fResolve® On-Acton Trigger 650 mL, #27 (4009-4609) (1.4kg-2kg) selected varieties selected varieties 7 WC RCE © TeCkitt == usure cit arc ie © 207 fut enter (rare (2550 (155) a CRT =. # fl Do Do 4 dl f 4 Où "mn —J DOVE/DEGREE® Dry Spray 107g, Premium DOVE Body Love Body Wash 517mL, {TRESemmé® Shampoo/Condtoner 828/739/473 mL, Assorted DOVE Hand Cream 89mL, Hand and Body Lotion BABY DOVE AntipersirantDeodorant 74, Asso Sizs, Care by Plats Deodorant 749, Selected Sing Shealoisture® Sranpoo/Candtiones Teaimerts, 400mL, Selected Varie — 21428012 WashLoïion 384-591mL. Sete añetes = 2084721 Vas = 26763 At Se Ski ts = 242018 Soc es 21014852 e # e e e 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 Ja L Schmidt e ef Laundry VIM® 500mL, 700mL, 70m, 11, SCHMIDT'S® SIR KENSINGTON"S® HELLMANN'S® Salad Dressing KNORR® Concentrated Bouillon Detergent, Eas/Dusél Ultra Concenraed LaundryDeterent, Selected Varieties - 20940827 Deodorant Stick 759, Spray 919, Mayonaise 354, Selected 250/475 ml, Selected Varietes 250, Selected Varieties — Asorted Size, Selected Vars — 21285767 Selected Varie 21168937 Vaies — 21447263 = 21246299 2120183 Trade-mark une or used ur anse y Under Cana, or, Or MA 32 ONLINE 23

Derniéres circulaires

For a Fresh and Clean Home this Winter Count on a ORGANIC Pro classic, now organic LE CRE TES Ê > 4 Finish® Quantum Utimate” 56 ct,Finish® Quantum® 64 ct Air Wick® Scented Os” 3 x 20 mL or or Finish® Al in 1 Max 78 ct, selected varietes Freshmatic” 3 x 175 - 180 g, selected varities BEN'S ORIGINAL” Bistro Express” Rice (2409-250g), Ben's Organic Ready to Heat Rice (240g) BEN'S ORIGINAL" Fast & Fancy” Products (1329) BEN'S ORIGINAL" Natural Select” Rice Cése-297e). BEN'S ORIGINAL” Lysol® Household Cieaners 650 mL - 1.2 L'or Resolve® in-Wash 625 g or J| 10-Min Specialty Rice Dry Rice Products Lysol® Tolet Bow Ceaners 710 mL, fResolve® On-Acton Trigger 650 mL, #27 (4009-4609) (1.4kg-2kg) selected varieties selected varieties 7 WC RCE © TeCkitt == usure cit arc ie © 207 fut enter (rare (2550 (155) a CRT =. # fl Do Do 4 dl f 4 Où "mn —J DOVE/DEGREE® Dry Spray 107g, Premium DOVE Body Love Body Wash 517mL, {TRESemmé® Shampoo/Condtoner 828/739/473 mL, Assorted DOVE Hand Cream 89mL, Hand and Body Lotion BABY DOVE AntipersirantDeodorant 74, Asso Sizs, Care by Plats Deodorant 749, Selected Sing Shealoisture® Sranpoo/Candtiones Teaimerts, 400mL, Selected Varie — 21428012 WashLoïion 384-591mL. Sete añetes = 2084721 Vas = 26763 At Se Ski ts = 242018 Soc es 21014852 e # e e e 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 Ja L Schmidt e ef Laundry VIM® 500mL, 700mL, 70m, 11, SCHMIDT'S® SIR KENSINGTON"S® HELLMANN'S® Salad Dressing KNORR® Concentrated Bouillon Detergent, Eas/Dusél Ultra Concenraed LaundryDeterent, Selected Varieties - 20940827 Deodorant Stick 759, Spray 919, Mayonaise 354, Selected 250/475 ml, Selected Varietes 250, Selected Varieties — Asorted Size, Selected Vars — 21285767 Selected Varie 21168937 Vaies — 21447263 = 21246299 2120183 Trade-mark une or used ur anse y Under Cana, or, Or MA 32 ONLINE 23

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