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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Thanksgiving Day - Valable à partir du 29.09 au 05.10 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Fortinos 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

& located in Dashwood Ontario, produëing Yorkshire g Leu fresh young 5 À younc TuRkEY fresh turkey pr Ta s rues de Valley Far JEUNE DINDON Yÿu)B, allavailable size. Jeune Air Pairavaitable sizes HeÿterS turkeys are raised in spacious organic türkey pe ver En À sas Gpen-sided barns with much care and Un throughout all Stages resulting in Superior taste, freshness & nutrition. attention on the feed. Hayters is the only 49» far in Canada that raises and processes, on-site ensuring strict best practices 4° db Butterball re RS naturally inspired infused stuffedi raised without PC° antibotics Butter-Infused Tumxey com SR us all available sizes,, turkey crown EME frozen - F frozen pce Free From° $$ nugget hamÿ/00 8Smekid an Vanbr W = 2 NN _ ham 800 g 5% Ib __—_au. ed 6° nm PC? boneless il h: ane SPrelsiced ham ane SPiralham 2 Bas Bu PC2/Butter-Infused so ID] freSh turkeys Il labl ES à ni” Springers 53 ) smoked turkey, drumstick Je: e ü Te ne 49 99. pork picnic shoulder BE Forest ham à selected varieties 15.414g 9.90%8 3758 { 4 — Vus st d] AG: js CET LE hrs & PC® cheese _ ss x1) a : hors d'oeuvres : 3. " s. re À 3 d collection ” Sÿ # w -=PC® hors d'oeuvres. 4 sausage rolls{minifenicken Vgerass frozen Ÿ mini quiches; pHylle Aséton, empanadas onlbeef Jamiaican HSURES — spanékopita, Cauliflower, bités paies aveggies bites or PC®spring:rolls or plant based cheese sticks, potato & broccoli cakes, vegtable, chicken ñ f d thaï, f 240-454 g MOZN 400-500 g Mo’. Se MMM 720 g FORT 5

Derniéres circulaires

& located in Dashwood Ontario, produëing Yorkshire g Leu fresh young 5 À younc TuRkEY fresh turkey pr Ta s rues de Valley Far JEUNE DINDON Yÿu)B, allavailable size. Jeune Air Pairavaitable sizes HeÿterS turkeys are raised in spacious organic türkey pe ver En À sas Gpen-sided barns with much care and Un throughout all Stages resulting in Superior taste, freshness & nutrition. attention on the feed. Hayters is the only 49» far in Canada that raises and processes, on-site ensuring strict best practices 4° db Butterball re RS naturally inspired infused stuffedi raised without PC° antibotics Butter-Infused Tumxey com SR us all available sizes,, turkey crown EME frozen - F frozen pce Free From° $$ nugget hamÿ/00 8Smekid an Vanbr W = 2 NN _ ham 800 g 5% Ib __—_au. ed 6° nm PC? boneless il h: ane SPrelsiced ham ane SPiralham 2 Bas Bu PC2/Butter-Infused so ID] freSh turkeys Il labl ES à ni” Springers 53 ) smoked turkey, drumstick Je: e ü Te ne 49 99. pork picnic shoulder BE Forest ham à selected varieties 15.414g 9.90%8 3758 { 4 — Vus st d] AG: js CET LE hrs & PC® cheese _ ss x1) a : hors d'oeuvres : 3. " s. re À 3 d collection ” Sÿ # w -=PC® hors d'oeuvres. 4 sausage rolls{minifenicken Vgerass frozen Ÿ mini quiches; pHylle Aséton, empanadas onlbeef Jamiaican HSURES — spanékopita, Cauliflower, bités paies aveggies bites or PC®spring:rolls or plant based cheese sticks, potato & broccoli cakes, vegtable, chicken ñ f d thaï, f 240-454 g MOZN 400-500 g Mo’. Se MMM 720 g FORT 5

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