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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Noël - Valable à partir du 15.12 au 21.12 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Fortinos 15.12.2022 - 21.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

quil V3 D chocolate almonds à CRACKER BARREL Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 g or shredded cheese 250-320 g selected varieties Tropicana juice, ous blends or drinks or PURE Pure Leaf iced tea \ LEA selected varieties 2 p À LA refrigerated À A T nà 4 mx se 299 each 1.54/1.75 L IH] A De Cecco pasta 454 g, Vita Sana gnocchi 500 or Cirio passata Colavita 680/700 mL extra virgin] selected varieties olive oil = SUR _ Franco American gravy 284 mL or Green Giant = vegetables 341-398 mL, selected varieties LESC E Lite couRMEr WEST COAST ETS Jerry 5 Coca-Cola, Sän Benedettoïsparkling (NS ground'or K-Cup ice cream 473-500 mL Canada Dry or or natural water 6x1.5 L coffee 875-930 g/30's or Magnum novelties 3's Pepsi soft drinks 79 or San Pellegrino sparkling or maple syrup 500 mL. selected varieties, frozen selected varieties 6x1 L, selected varieties selected varieties 12x355 mL each each ” 1 C LAS ne a EE FerreroiT 24\Chocolate boxes Crée SIDrothi or Golden Collection chocolate Green Giant or. or Unico olives or Lindt Lindor chocolate boxes PC® frozen vegetables or peppers or mini chocolate balls selected varieties, frozen selected varieties 137-300 g 400-750 8 210-900 mL Quant and/or seen ftems may be ie nd may not be au nl stores. No Rancheks OR Subsfutions on decronc ms or het quaniies ae dertsed limited. Advered regular priäng and product selection Car, al, ans, hay er by kr ct. Ve rer he oi ut re om qi. ere ob sl sed rs mé prog. Pc Al references to Save, es, Now, Saving, et, in comparison 1 ur own regular pres. Coupons must be presented and redeemed cime o purchase. Savingsshoum maybe greer depending on so loco. Applcable txes, depesis, or emironmentl surcharge are extra. Moses 1 real ut. The rode-marks, service marks and loges displayed in his Hyer are trode-marks of Loblas nc. and ohers. ©2022 Loblaus Inc. AÏ rights reserved, * Must be a PC Opfimum' member. Must be a registered PC Opfimum' member o loc and get hi of. É5 oi produtis pit alg veetbe use hs FORT BACK SA

Derniéres circulaires

quil V3 D chocolate almonds à CRACKER BARREL Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 g or shredded cheese 250-320 g selected varieties Tropicana juice, ous blends or drinks or PURE Pure Leaf iced tea \ LEA selected varieties 2 p À LA refrigerated À A T nà 4 mx se 299 each 1.54/1.75 L IH] A De Cecco pasta 454 g, Vita Sana gnocchi 500 or Cirio passata Colavita 680/700 mL extra virgin] selected varieties olive oil = SUR _ Franco American gravy 284 mL or Green Giant = vegetables 341-398 mL, selected varieties LESC E Lite couRMEr WEST COAST ETS Jerry 5 Coca-Cola, Sän Benedettoïsparkling (NS ground'or K-Cup ice cream 473-500 mL Canada Dry or or natural water 6x1.5 L coffee 875-930 g/30's or Magnum novelties 3's Pepsi soft drinks 79 or San Pellegrino sparkling or maple syrup 500 mL. selected varieties, frozen selected varieties 6x1 L, selected varieties selected varieties 12x355 mL each each ” 1 C LAS ne a EE FerreroiT 24\Chocolate boxes Crée SIDrothi or Golden Collection chocolate Green Giant or. or Unico olives or Lindt Lindor chocolate boxes PC® frozen vegetables or peppers or mini chocolate balls selected varieties, frozen selected varieties 137-300 g 400-750 8 210-900 mL Quant and/or seen ftems may be ie nd may not be au nl stores. No Rancheks OR Subsfutions on decronc ms or het quaniies ae dertsed limited. Advered regular priäng and product selection Car, al, ans, hay er by kr ct. Ve rer he oi ut re om qi. ere ob sl sed rs mé prog. Pc Al references to Save, es, Now, Saving, et, in comparison 1 ur own regular pres. Coupons must be presented and redeemed cime o purchase. Savingsshoum maybe greer depending on so loco. Applcable txes, depesis, or emironmentl surcharge are extra. Moses 1 real ut. The rode-marks, service marks and loges displayed in his Hyer are trode-marks of Loblas nc. and ohers. ©2022 Loblaus Inc. AÏ rights reserved, * Must be a PC Opfimum' member. Must be a registered PC Opfimum' member o loc and get hi of. É5 oi produtis pit alg veetbe use hs FORT BACK SA

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