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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 13.07 au 19.07 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Fortinos 13.07.2023 - 19.07.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

de > mMor crumbs 13.214850 CRACKER BARREL Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 g, shreds 320 g, Black Diamond Cheestrings 16's or snacks 252 g selected varieties \ SE Milano giant lady fingers selected varieties = 150 PC® salad D dressing 475 mL, CÉSAR tortilla strips 99 g or croutons 140 g selected varieties Magnum 3/45 3 or Ben & Jeny's 473 mL CARAMEL Tiger toWellpaperltowelsts=6MrolIse or Royale facial tissue 6 pack selected varieties, frozen selected varieties each | Tue à E LEP Lavazza or Kimbo} ( < ee 290/300 8) whole bean coffee ms. . Miss\Vickie'skettle Celebration'240/350 g » Danone Activia : Z'cooked/potatoïchips. selected varieties selected varieties 8/12's, 650-750 g cookies or Goldfish baked Cas 9: Oikos Greek vogurt 190/200 g or Smartfood snack crackers 156-227 g 9 cr varieties popcorn 150-200 g each 1k LIN SMORES (AS 1 es 1 SEE dGardein meat-less) À =: = à Entrées or sides 205-390'8, pr sé ———— ESS SilCuisine meat-less Lärabarsnack bar 1648 g, s] bürgers or wingz 255-300 g #" Clif BuilderS protein bar 12x68 g, )Q "PC Blue Menu® or SNO vegan dessert Good to Go almond bar 9x40 g sparkling water or pop 4 pce 300-500 mL, 4 or Hungry Buddha keto bar selected varieties S'mores kit selected varieties 12x40 g, selected varieties 12x355 mL 600 g each each Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores. No Rainchecks OR Substitutions on clearance items or where quantities are advertised as limited. Advertised regular pricing — and product selection (lavour, colour, patterns, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints . in typography or photography. Prcing: AI references to “Save, Was, Now, Savings, et. "is in comparison o our own regular prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. Savings shown may be S greater depending on Store location. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra. N sales to retail outlets. To register as a PC Optimum"" member visi We are nat obigated to award FSC points based on errors or misprints. No cash value. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. These offers cannot be combined with any olher coupons, discount or promotions. Receive the ponts specified when you spend the w qualiÿing dollar amount on the displayed product (s) and/or category, The trade-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this flyer are trade-marks of Loblaws Inc. and others. ©2023 Loblans Inc. Al rights reserved es 5 ts product is printed using vogetable-basedinks FORT BACK

Derniéres circulaires

de > mMor crumbs 13.214850 CRACKER BARREL Cracker Barrel cheese bars 400 g, shreds 320 g, Black Diamond Cheestrings 16's or snacks 252 g selected varieties \ SE Milano giant lady fingers selected varieties = 150 PC® salad D dressing 475 mL, CÉSAR tortilla strips 99 g or croutons 140 g selected varieties Magnum 3/45 3 or Ben & Jeny's 473 mL CARAMEL Tiger toWellpaperltowelsts=6MrolIse or Royale facial tissue 6 pack selected varieties, frozen selected varieties each | Tue à E LEP Lavazza or Kimbo} ( < ee 290/300 8) whole bean coffee ms. . Miss\Vickie'skettle Celebration'240/350 g » Danone Activia : Z'cooked/potatoïchips. selected varieties selected varieties 8/12's, 650-750 g cookies or Goldfish baked Cas 9: Oikos Greek vogurt 190/200 g or Smartfood snack crackers 156-227 g 9 cr varieties popcorn 150-200 g each 1k LIN SMORES (AS 1 es 1 SEE dGardein meat-less) À =: = à Entrées or sides 205-390'8, pr sé ———— ESS SilCuisine meat-less Lärabarsnack bar 1648 g, s] bürgers or wingz 255-300 g #" Clif BuilderS protein bar 12x68 g, )Q "PC Blue Menu® or SNO vegan dessert Good to Go almond bar 9x40 g sparkling water or pop 4 pce 300-500 mL, 4 or Hungry Buddha keto bar selected varieties S'mores kit selected varieties 12x40 g, selected varieties 12x355 mL 600 g each each Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores. No Rainchecks OR Substitutions on clearance items or where quantities are advertised as limited. Advertised regular pricing — and product selection (lavour, colour, patterns, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints . in typography or photography. Prcing: AI references to “Save, Was, Now, Savings, et. "is in comparison o our own regular prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. Savings shown may be S greater depending on Store location. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra. N sales to retail outlets. To register as a PC Optimum"" member visi We are nat obigated to award FSC points based on errors or misprints. No cash value. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. These offers cannot be combined with any olher coupons, discount or promotions. Receive the ponts specified when you spend the w qualiÿing dollar amount on the displayed product (s) and/or category, The trade-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this flyer are trade-marks of Loblaws Inc. and others. ©2023 Loblans Inc. Al rights reserved es 5 ts product is printed using vogetable-basedinks FORT BACK

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