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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 20.03 au 26.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Foodland 20.03.2025 - 26.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

” CRAVE KRAFT Dinner 3%. 549 COMPLIMENTS Deluxe Frozen KOZY SHACK Pure Orange Juice Entrées 200-340 £ Pudding 824 g or 4 pk AL ns on KP = ù ntens Got SKYR . 99 7 gp 7 of Ice Cream 500 mL or SHEPHERD GOURMET Skyr Yukon Hovehies 5-8 pk icelandic Style Yogurt 500 £ SAVE 30: BUBLY Sparking Water 79 x PEPSI Soft Drinks, 122355 ml or MONTELLIER 1 EST" BRISK Iced Tea or Spaskling Water 1013S$ ob AQUAFINA Water 1 L b Mate k Vs. £ Re WERTHER'S 4 ORIGINAL or RIESEN Candy N8-135£ 399 Chiébration Cookdes 18°° Coffee Pods 30 pk 4° - ve 200-3502 selected varieites FUEL DARE Breton, Vinta or Simple 399 VILLAGGIO Bread 570-675 4. 29 Goodness Crackers nm Buns 6-8 pk or DEMPSTERS 7 inch (excledes Gluten Free) WELCH'S Tertillas 272-340 g or 13-284 Fruit Snacks 220 g TIA ROSA Tortilas 220-328 & ED) : T4 DEC CES COMPLIMENTS 99 QUAKER Cereal 49 ”. A Wnite Vinegar COMPLIMENTS selected varieties SMUCKER'S Diiliee AD 11 Wnipped Dressing 445 mL 350-500 € Jam 319-500 g POS PEAU ÀLEvar Ph RMil Milk © BR zh EE: 229 _—_— 272 cARNaTION 45 nl 292 :: TDR une Evi Icing, Bron 6€ Yellow 1 kg 34m 350 mL selected varieties Mec ttes 204 # \ ALCAN Foil 50 ft, 99 Nos-Stick Foë 25 ft or REYNOLDS Parcbment Paper 35 ft

Derniéres circulaires

” CRAVE KRAFT Dinner 3%. 549 COMPLIMENTS Deluxe Frozen KOZY SHACK Pure Orange Juice Entrées 200-340 £ Pudding 824 g or 4 pk AL ns on KP = ù ntens Got SKYR . 99 7 gp 7 of Ice Cream 500 mL or SHEPHERD GOURMET Skyr Yukon Hovehies 5-8 pk icelandic Style Yogurt 500 £ SAVE 30: BUBLY Sparking Water 79 x PEPSI Soft Drinks, 122355 ml or MONTELLIER 1 EST" BRISK Iced Tea or Spaskling Water 1013S$ ob AQUAFINA Water 1 L b Mate k Vs. £ Re WERTHER'S 4 ORIGINAL or RIESEN Candy N8-135£ 399 Chiébration Cookdes 18°° Coffee Pods 30 pk 4° - ve 200-3502 selected varieites FUEL DARE Breton, Vinta or Simple 399 VILLAGGIO Bread 570-675 4. 29 Goodness Crackers nm Buns 6-8 pk or DEMPSTERS 7 inch (excledes Gluten Free) WELCH'S Tertillas 272-340 g or 13-284 Fruit Snacks 220 g TIA ROSA Tortilas 220-328 & ED) : T4 DEC CES COMPLIMENTS 99 QUAKER Cereal 49 ”. A Wnite Vinegar COMPLIMENTS selected varieties SMUCKER'S Diiliee AD 11 Wnipped Dressing 445 mL 350-500 € Jam 319-500 g POS PEAU ÀLEvar Ph RMil Milk © BR zh EE: 229 _—_— 272 cARNaTION 45 nl 292 :: TDR une Evi Icing, Bron 6€ Yellow 1 kg 34m 350 mL selected varieties Mec ttes 204 # \ ALCAN Foil 50 ft, 99 Nos-Stick Foë 25 ft or REYNOLDS Parcbment Paper 35 ft

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