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Circulaire actuelle Food Basics - Valable à partir du 20.02 au 26.02 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Food Basics 20.02.2025 - 26.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

es POLICY:Food Basicse offers anin-stock guarantie for aies its cure in our current Per, à Rain Check al be Essedmith 10% off ihe advectised the tem redeemable withén 30 days from the date of issue, Rain Checks are no à pecial Buy or "No Raïn Chechs”, or oain-store cocked 860 Chicken sad Hot Pa Bee Cider an Wie dependent Ted Party Verde « Dur Butcher Shop by Nesso Tao” Presse see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basics for fu détails, For retail sale co: Mers ai state the a al Check pt the ste rt mr be issue re lent santa me reserve the right to imit quantites to reasonabie requirements. Limit One Rain Chack per bausehokd per item per day 2e reserve the right to Er pur Lo resscnabie ts, Limit ce so etais ai Lee 0 sea Certain prices and sp sr rt re may ver S Aratices in thés flyer d cessariy represent items on sal and are for design cel. We reserve the right ta correct any uniitesk es Ho savings or sie prices arein compactson io our tapes Pcesareelethe Tu563y8 a Drouin Wcrsz Oar amet mr vb Congres a cm ln qu réa ie Camera ae fu proc rc Um res Remards card, points awarded ae calculated one total amount before tanes, and exchades the products specf e cas of re in tbe Moi program For 53< 1 pt:avalatie at Motrnot avalabe at Food Basics. Pcintsredoemable at participating stores starting at a boance f 500 points (54 value. Visit fr terms and conditions. Moi Renards is à trader UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF THIS FLYERIN ANY MEDIUM (NCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WWRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. 1S NOT PERMITTER. CUSTOMER CARE:1-866-595-5854 7

Derniéres circulaires

es POLICY:Food Basicse offers anin-stock guarantie for aies its cure in our current Per, à Rain Check al be Essedmith 10% off ihe advectised the tem redeemable withén 30 days from the date of issue, Rain Checks are no à pecial Buy or "No Raïn Chechs”, or oain-store cocked 860 Chicken sad Hot Pa Bee Cider an Wie dependent Ted Party Verde « Dur Butcher Shop by Nesso Tao” Presse see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basics for fu détails, For retail sale co: Mers ai state the a al Check pt the ste rt mr be issue re lent santa me reserve the right to imit quantites to reasonabie requirements. Limit One Rain Chack per bausehokd per item per day 2e reserve the right to Er pur Lo resscnabie ts, Limit ce so etais ai Lee 0 sea Certain prices and sp sr rt re may ver S Aratices in thés flyer d cessariy represent items on sal and are for design cel. We reserve the right ta correct any uniitesk es Ho savings or sie prices arein compactson io our tapes Pcesareelethe Tu563y8 a Drouin Wcrsz Oar amet mr vb Congres a cm ln qu réa ie Camera ae fu proc rc Um res Remards card, points awarded ae calculated one total amount before tanes, and exchades the products specf e cas of re in tbe Moi program For 53< 1 pt:avalatie at Motrnot avalabe at Food Basics. Pcintsredoemable at participating stores starting at a boance f 500 points (54 value. Visit fr terms and conditions. Moi Renards is à trader UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF THIS FLYERIN ANY MEDIUM (NCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) WITHOUT THE PRIOR WWRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. 1S NOT PERMITTER. CUSTOMER CARE:1-866-595-5854 7

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