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Circulaire actuelle Coppa's Fresh Market - Valable à partir du 21.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Coppa's Fresh Market 21.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Foodiond 199. 4.39/kg Fresh Red Tomatoes on the Vine, Product of Ontario, No. 1 Grade Fresh Endive or Escarole, Product of USA 170g pk. Fresh Sweet Driscoll Re Ragpberries, Product of USA/Mexico, No. 1 Grade 399. Fresh Sweet Seedless Oranges 31b or Lemons 21b, Product of South Africa dERà ‘7 dé Fresh Sweet Haychia Persimmons, Product of USA lb 3.28/kg Fresh Sweet Potatoes, Product of USA, No. 1 Grade

Derniéres circulaires

Foodiond 199. 4.39/kg Fresh Red Tomatoes on the Vine, Product of Ontario, No. 1 Grade Fresh Endive or Escarole, Product of USA 170g pk. Fresh Sweet Driscoll Re Ragpberries, Product of USA/Mexico, No. 1 Grade 399. Fresh Sweet Seedless Oranges 31b or Lemons 21b, Product of South Africa dERà ‘7 dé Fresh Sweet Haychia Persimmons, Product of USA lb 3.28/kg Fresh Sweet Potatoes, Product of USA, No. 1 Grade

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