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Circulaire actuelle Atlantic Superstore - La rentrée - Valable à partir du 25.08 au 31.08 - Page n° 15

Circulaire Atlantic Superstore 25.08.2022 - 31.08.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Yoplait Source 630 g nr 21391318001_EA 2027586801 EA 7 - Yoplait Tubes 8x 569, 5e = p Yoplait Minigo’ 6 x 60 9, — 5 Liberté Greek 750 9 or Liberté Greek 4 x 100 9, Liberté Méditerranée 900 g Liberté ee 20642273 EA 2080752003 _EA 21389655 _EA Pillsbury” Crescents and Weiner Wrap 200-235 g Yogurt Yoplait Source’ 20305424003_EA 16x100g 20305424002-EA Pillsbury” Pie Crusts + 400 g or Pillsbury”" Breads 20317317001_EA Selected Varieties 318-4689 20187585 EA 20317832002_EA CGenesalMits Trademarks of LIBERTÉ MARQUES SARL used under license, Trademarks of NOPLAIT MARQUES SAC. (France) used under cense. €) How to enter? 10GO FE = ‘50000 in prizes _ \ » TO BE WON E] = Take a photo of yo . . "s D C Enter online at ‘Qu Ps fs Some 592 Cr & 9® SELETEO vanEnEs ÿco SELECTED VARETIES rte CREAUY QU ie Re ee 2k6 à : Fe ORGANIC OR = 1060) ere PA > + SELECTED MARINES ‘e 10GO “ É | .. È Ne YOGURT messe Crésmeux e É Le 10GO F à g SELECTER VARENES = \ anus Der big + 59 - Dsl $ 45 r 1ô60 iüco i6Gt iüço GREEX 0x0 LS AND TUBES 7506 ucnisere Es 8x606 YOSURT 16X 1006 VOGURT |. YOGURT Seucresamenes surouens 10 sacre nes) man mmen (Cd ms SR) RA DA ONUNE 6

Derniéres circulaires

Yoplait Source 630 g nr 21391318001_EA 2027586801 EA 7 - Yoplait Tubes 8x 569, 5e = p Yoplait Minigo’ 6 x 60 9, — 5 Liberté Greek 750 9 or Liberté Greek 4 x 100 9, Liberté Méditerranée 900 g Liberté ee 20642273 EA 2080752003 _EA 21389655 _EA Pillsbury” Crescents and Weiner Wrap 200-235 g Yogurt Yoplait Source’ 20305424003_EA 16x100g 20305424002-EA Pillsbury” Pie Crusts + 400 g or Pillsbury”" Breads 20317317001_EA Selected Varieties 318-4689 20187585 EA 20317832002_EA CGenesalMits Trademarks of LIBERTÉ MARQUES SARL used under license, Trademarks of NOPLAIT MARQUES SAC. (France) used under cense. €) How to enter? 10GO FE = ‘50000 in prizes _ \ » TO BE WON E] = Take a photo of yo . . "s D C Enter online at ‘Qu Ps fs Some 592 Cr & 9® SELETEO vanEnEs ÿco SELECTED VARETIES rte CREAUY QU ie Re ee 2k6 à : Fe ORGANIC OR = 1060) ere PA > + SELECTED MARINES ‘e 10GO “ É | .. È Ne YOGURT messe Crésmeux e É Le 10GO F à g SELECTER VARENES = \ anus Der big + 59 - Dsl $ 45 r 1ô60 iüco i6Gt iüço GREEX 0x0 LS AND TUBES 7506 ucnisere Es 8x606 YOSURT 16X 1006 VOGURT |. YOGURT Seucresamenes surouens 10 sacre nes) man mmen (Cd ms SR) RA DA ONUNE 6

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